Optimist Club 2015-16, week of December 21, 2015

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Greetings Optimists,

Another new member application has been received!!!! Michele Filip, a new staff member in the University Center at UW-Whitewater, has submitted her application to join our club. Michele’s application will be reviewed at the January board meeting.

No club meeting this week, December 20-26, or next week, December 27-January 2.

A reminder again that the annual club dues notification was sent out to our membership list (which is not the exact same as this email list). Hopefully active members can submit dues soon so Ken, Kate and I can update the club roster at the OI web site.

I’m sure there will be many unspoken thanks to you and the local churches, offices, and businesses who all combined with the Whitewater Pantry to make Christmas a little brighter and happier for families in our community who suffer from economic disadvantages. I just want to add my thanks to all of you for all you do for the club and the community.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Years to all of you!


Dates for upcoming club meetings and events include:

  • Tuesday, January 5, Regular club meeting, 12 Noon, University Center 068 (basement level of the UC). This is a “bring your own lunch” meeting. No speaker yet but it’s also a VERY lightly attended meeting.
  • Tuesday, January 12, Executive Board meeting, 12 Noon.
  • Tuesday, January 19, Regular club meeting, 12 Noon, University Center 068 (basement level of the UC). This is a “catered lunch day” ($7.00) with “Youth of the Month” from Whitewater High School. Our speaker will be Jim Mead from the UW-W University Housing Cable TV Office.
  • Tuesday, January 26, evening meeting, 5pm, Jessica’s Restaurant.
  • Tuesday, February 2, Regular club meeting, 12 Noon, University Center 259A.
  • Tuesday, February 9, Executive Board meeting, 12 Noon.
  • Tuesday, February 16, Regular club meeting, 12 Noon, University Center 259A. This is a “catered lunch day” ($7.00) with “Youth of the Month” from Whitewater Middle School. Our speakers will be Kirby Mills and Kristina Navarro talking about the Warhawk Leadership Academy.
  • Friday, February 19, 2016, Trivia Night!! 7:00 pm, University Center Hamilton Room.
  • Tuesday, February 23, 5pm, Jessica’s Restaurant.

That’s all for tonight.

Share the Optimism,

Dave Halbach

UW-Whitewater/Community Optimist Club

920-650-6089 or 262-472-5749