Optimist Club 2015-16, week of October 19
October 19, 2015 Uncategorized No CommentsGreetings Optimist!!
Another good weekend if you’re a Warhawks, Badgers, and/or Packers football fan!!
This week’s notes:
- Please review Therese Kennedy’s emails from earlier today asking for volunteers to staff the various locations at the schools and Hawk Bowl for Youth Appreciation Week. Please respond directly to Therese if you can help.
- Who can help find speakers for our January and February meetings? All speaker ideas are welcome and appreciated. Members have shared ideas with me, we just need to confirm who, when, and where for the next couple of months.
- Speaking of December, who would like to help organize Breakfast with Santa for December 5th? A lot of work was done last year writing down the various actions and timelines needed to complete this event so that will help get things started. I have already reserved Esker Dining Hall for that morning with the campus reservations office and notified campus Dining Services staff.
- I received and email from the Whitewater Middle School Principal’s Office (no, I’m not in trouble), asking if the 2015 Miss Whitewater Queens and Court could join the Optimists at Breakfast with Santa, helping with breakfast and letters to Santa station. Any thoughts, pro or con?
- Thinking of December also reminds me of the “mitten tree.” If we want to do this project this year we need a coordinator. Please let me know if you would be interested in coordinating this project.
- Thanks to Duane Dickens (and Al Hutchinson by default) for volunteering to lead the “Toys for Kids” program this year.
- Thanks to Duane Dickens, Jim McLernon, and Bob Sweet for putting the gyro stand into storage this past Saturday!!
- The last Wednesday of the month has become our traditional evening meeting date. However, in November and December these dates fall right in front of holidays. What are your thoughts about having the evening meeting for November either the 18th or 24th and in December the meeting could be either December 16th or 22nd? Should we “vote” with an online Doodle poll, like we used for the Gyro Stand scheduling last summer?
Dates for upcoming club meetings and events include:
- Tuesday, October 20 regular club meeting, 12 Noon, UC 259A. This is a “catered lunch” day ($7.00) with “Youth of the Month” from Whitewater Middle School. Speakers will be Mareta Hale, Art Teacher at Washington Elementary School, and Tom Grosinske, Principal at Washington Elementary School. They will be speaking about a Washington Elementary School mural project.
- Tuesday, October 27 evening meeting/social event at the home of Kim Adams and Angie Alesci. See the attached invitation.
- Tuesday, November 3, noon meeting, UC 259 A&B. This is a “catered lunch day” ($7.00) and Youth Appreciation Luncheon with student leaders from all 5 Whitewater School District buildings. The youth leaders will be our speakers.
- Week of November 2-6, Youth Appreciation Week.
- Tuesday, November 10, Exec Board meeting, 12 Noon, University Center 260.
- Tuesday, November 17, noon meeting. Youth of the Month from Whitewater High School. UC 259A. Speaker will be Shawn Werner, Young Auditorium Staff member.
- Wednesday, November 18 or Tuesday, November 24 evening meeting?
- Tuesday, December 1. Regular club meeting, 12 Noon, University Center 069 (basement level of the UC). This is a “bring your own lunch” meeting. Stuffing of “Goody Bags” for Breakfast with Santa.
- Saturday, December 5, Breakfast with Santa!! Esker Dining Hall, UW-W.
- Tuesday, December 8. Executive Board meeting, 12 Noon.
- Tuesday, December 15. Regular club meeting, 12 Noon, UC 259A. This is a “catered lunch day” ($7.00) with “Youth of the Month” from Whitewater Middle School.
- Wednesday, December 16 or Tuesday, December 22 evening meeting?
- Friday, February 19, 2016, Trivia Night!! 7:00 pm, University Center Hamilton Room.
That’s all for the moment.
Share the Optimism,
Dave Halbach
UW-Whitewater/Community Optimist Club
920-650-6089 or 262-472-5749