Optimist Club 2014-15, week of July 13
July 13, 2015 5:07 pm UncategorizedGreetings Optimist!!
No club meeting this week on Tuesday! The next general club meeting will be Tuesday, July 21 at 12 Noon.
There WILL BE an exec board meeting tomorrow, Tuesday, July 14 at 12 Noon in the University Center, room 260. If you have any agenda items for the board, please get them to me ASAP.
Lou and Don Zahn asked me to share the following with all of you. “Thanks to all of you who worked at the Jefferson County Fair. We had a good weather day and everything went smoothly. Thanks, especially to those who worked two shifts. It is greatly appreciated.”
On to other Optimist business:
- It’s that time of the Club year to begin organizing the slate of officers for 2015-16. At this time no one has yet volunteered for any of the exec board positions. How about an Exec Board position? Perhaps one that you’ve not held in the past? Please consider volunteering to be an officer for 2015-16. “Many hands make light work.”
- Our Facebook page now has 92 “Likes!”
- Hopefully you saw the announcement from Southern Wisconsin District about JIM KONDRASUK who was elected 15-16 Optimist International President Elect and who will be the future 2016-17 Optimist International President. The link to the SWIS district web page is at the bottom of this email if you would like to follow up.
- Also from the SWIS district was the email announcement about Optimist Day at Miller Park! Saturday, August 15th Brewers take on the Phillies – 6:10PM. Again check your email or the SWIS district web site for details.
Speakers for upcoming meetings are:
- Tuesday, July 21, 12 Noon, Lee Murray, friend of Hans Hahn and Carla Cheek, will speak about his “Honor Flight” experience.
- Wednesday, July 29, to be determined. Any ideas?
- Tuesday, August 4, UC 264, 12 Noon-1pm. Any ideas?
- Tuesday, August 18, 12 Noon-1pm. Any ideas?
- Tuesday, September 8, Esker Hall room 119, 12 Noon-1pm. Any ideas?
- Tuesday, September 22, UC 261, 12 Noon-1pm. Any ideas?
Dates for upcoming club meetings and events include:
- Tuesday, July 21, UC 261, 12 Noon-1pm, “bring your own lunch.”
- Wednesday, July 29, Jessica’s Restaurant, 5pm, dinner on your own.
- Tuesday, August 4, UC 264, 12 Noon-1pm, “bring your own lunch.”
- Tuesday, August 18, 12 Noon-1pm, location to be determined.
- Tuesday, September 8, Esker Hall room 119, 12 Noon-1pm, “bring your own lunch.”
- Tuesday, September 22, UC 261, 12 Noon-1pm. Catered lunch??? Youth of the Month??
- Tuesday, September, 29, evening banquet, date/time/location to be determined.
That’s all for the moment.
Share the Optimism,
Dave Halbach
UW-Whitewater/Community Optimist Club
920-650-6089 or 262-472-5749