Optimist Club 2014-15, week of May 11
May 11, 2015 5:28 pm UncategorizedGreetings Optimist!!
NO GENERAL CLUB MEETING THIS WEEK!! However, there will be a Board meeting tomorrow, Tuesday, May 12 at 12 Noon in the University Center, room 260 (the usual Board meeting location).
Be sure to read through the expanded “dates” section below. I’ve included info regarding summer meetings and locations. Note the location for next week’s meeting, UC 068!
Remember, this Thursday, May 14 there will be a “going away” party at the Whitewater Country Club for Denise and Kevin Kaminski!! Hope many of you can make it to thank Denise for her years of service to the club and participation on the board.
On to other Optimist business:
- The Club is looking for new co-chairs for the upcoming Gyro Stand. Who can help Duane and Barb Dickens with the arrangements and scheduling for this coming July? Please contact Duane or Barb directly or let me know if you would like to co-chair this event. It’s very important for the Club!!!! I can provide a copy of the event planning guidelines that Duane has written if that would help you make up your mind.
- What would YOU like to do next year to contribute? It’s that time of the Optimist Club year to begin thinking about a slate of officers for 2015-16. How about an Exec Board position? Perhaps one that you’ve not held in the past? Please begin thinking about volunteering to be an officer for 2015-16. “Many hands make light work.”
- I have updated the web site to include a posting and links about the 11th Annual City-wide Rummage Sale on May 16. Click for the information flyer and application.
- I’ve also updated the Club’s Facebook page to include links about the Rummage Sale. The message has reached 167 people on Facebook since I posted it.
- Regarding the Gyro Stand trailer, we at least have a short-term storage location due to Mike Ciardo’s help but are looking for a long-term storage location at no-cost or very low cost. Let any of the Board Members know if you have a place/suggestion.
Speakers for upcoming meetings are:
- Tuesday, May 19, Youth of the Month from Whitewater Middle School and Greg Swanson, campus Director of Facilities Planning and Management, speaking about the campus master plan for the future.
- Wednesday, May 27, Speaker has cancelled. Any ideas? (5pm at Jessica’s Restaurant)
- Tuesday, June 2, any ideas?
- Tuesday, June 16, any ideas?
Dates for upcoming club meetings and events include:
- Saturday, May 16, City-Wide Rummage Sale.
- Tuesday, May 19, UC 068, 12 Noon-1pm, General Member Club meeting, catered lunch, $7.00/member.
- Wednesday, May 27, Jessica’s Restaurant, 5pm, dinner on your own.
- Wednesday, May 27, Whitewater High School Scholarship Night.
- Tuesday, June 2, UC 259A, 12 Noon-1pm, “bring your own lunch.”
- Saturday, June 6, Fishing Derby
- Tuesday, June 16, UC 259A, 12 Noon-1pm, “bring your own lunch.”
- Wednesday, June 24, Jessica’s Restaurant, 5pm, dinner on your own.
- Thursday, July 2-Sunday, July 5, Gyro Stand at Whitewater 4th of July Celebration.
- Tuesday, July 7, NO MEETING!
- Wednesday, July 8, 2015, Jefferson County Fair ticket selling.
- Tuesday, July 21, UC 261, 12 Noon-1pm, “bring your own lunch.”
- Wednesday, July 29, Jessica’s Restaurant, 5pm, dinner on your own.
- Tuesday, August 4, UC 264, 12 Noon-1pm, “bring your own lunch.”
- Tuesday, August 18, 12 Noon-1pm, location to be determined.
- Tuesday, September 8, Esker Hall room 119, 12 Noon-1pm, “bring your own lunch.”
- Tuesday, September 22, UC 261, 12 Noon-1pm. Catered lunch??? Youth of the Month??
- Tuesday, September, 29, evening banquet, date/time/location to be determined.
Share the Optimism,
Dave Halbach
UW-Whitewater/Community Optimist Club
920-650-6089 or 262-472-5749