Week 50, Optimist Club
September 25, 2014 9:59 am UncategorizedOptimists,
It’s hard to believe that we are in week 50 of our Optimist year already. The time has gone quickly. I have just a couple of quick notes for this week.
Please remember that we are done with noon meetings for the rest of this month. We are looking forward to good attendance and participation in the “Back to School Rally/NOW Meeting” this Wednesday from 4:00-5:30pm at Whitewater High School. Thank you to those who have agreed to bring food, help set up, cook and serve food, attend the event, and help greet potential new members! I have updated a slide show of photos/events from this past year to show all of the great programs our club sponsors.
This past Friday, Connie sent out the invitation to our club’s Installation Banquet for Tuesday, Sept. 30 at the Cold Spring Inn. Please RSVP to her in a timely manner to ensure your attendance and to indicate your menu choice. Our Governor Elect (Jeff Kuchenbecker) will be joining us for the evening.
Dave and I completed the three interviews for the student interns who applied for helping our club this fall semester. After also visiting with Jeanine, we agreed to offer positions to all three of the students. The three of us will each supervise one of the interns. We are looking forward to making some great progress with promotions and membership recruitment this fall!
I will be setting up a planning meeting for Trivia Night for the first week in October. There are several Student Optimists who are interested in helping out with the event. There were 30 potential new members at the Student Optimist meeting this past Wednesday–yeah!
Thanks for reading–and see some of you this Wednesday.