Week 40 Update, Optimist Club
July 23, 2014 4:04 pm UncategorizedHappy Monday Optimists,
It’s hard to believe that we are at week 40 for our Optimist year!
Another terrific fund raising project took place this past Wednesday–and we had picture perfect weather. Thank you to Don and Lou Zahn for coordinating our workers–and to all of our helping hands (Optimists, family members, and one UC student volunteer–Elaina) for the Jefferson County Fair! We’ll look forward to learning how much we raised.
We had a board meeting this past Tuesday. Here are a few highlights:
* Our slate of officers is almost complete. Thank you to those who have agreed to serve–including Dave Halbach as president. The rest of the slate will be announced soon as we are waiting to hear back from a few individuals.
* We are recommending to try two meetings per month next year–one noon meeting and one evening meeting. More discussion will follow at a club meeting.
* We need to review the planning and budgets for larger projects for next year, such as Breakfast with Santa and Trivia Night. The goal is to ensure we continue to serve needs, have successful projects, allocate appropriate funding, and/or raise budgeted monies.
* Jeanine will facilitate a discussion at the club meeting on Tuesday, Aug. 12 to address various topics like the ones above, as well as how we implement Youth of the Month in the future. We invite you to attend the noon meeting in UC 259A. Discussion about a less expensive approach for our installation banquet will also take place.
This week’s meeting will be at noon in UC 259A and will feature Steve Bertagnolli as our guest speaker. Steve will share an informative presentation about many of the grounds projects on campus that he and his team oversee.
Next Sunday, July 20 from 12pm-6pm at Kim and Angie’s House will be our second paver painting party. We have some orders to complete from Relay for Life. Please email me to let me know if you would like to participate. Even if you don’t think you are very creative, you are welcome to participate–to share ideas (and to partner up with someone). We are confident you will have fun.
Finally, this is a reminder that we will have our summer picnic–also at Kim and Angie’s house on Tuesday, July 29 from 5:30pm-8:30pm. Please R.S.V.P. to let me know if you can attend and what you will contribute to the potluck. We will provide the meat and beverages. We look forward to having some good fellowship time with you. The pool and hot tub will be open, and several backyard games will be available. For those who don’t want to be outside, we will have some tables with board games set up inside. Please note that Angie is very hard to beat in “Bananagrams!” We hope you are able to join in the fun!
Have a good week!