Week 36 Update, Optimist Club
June 18, 2014 8:24 am UncategorizedGreetings Optimists,
This will be a short update as I am out of town this week.
Please note that we do not have a meeting this Tuesday. Our next meeting will be on June 24 from 5:30pm-7:00pm at the Lakefront Pub.
Anyone wishing to join Angie and me with painting pavers for Relay for Life, feel free to stop by (our home) anytime between 10am-6pm on Sunday, June 22 to share your creativity. Lunch will be provided, as will the pavers, paints and brushes for our project.
We still need fundraising and walkers for our club’s Relay for Life team on Saturday, June 28. Kelly Holck will be assisting with putting our list of volunteers together.
On Tuesday, July 1, we will also have an evening meeting at Cravath Lake at the Gyro Stand–while we clean up the trailer and get it ready for the 4th of July activities. Please plan on 5:00pm for this gathering. We will be ordering sub sandwiches this evening. More info to come next week. Duane will also send a updated Gyro Stand sign up sheet. Helpers are still needed for the three-day event.
Finally, please see the attached Jefferson County Fair Sign Up 2014. Don and Lou are also seeking additional helpers for the afternoon and evening shifts. PLEASE check your calendars and let them know if you are able to cover a shift. We will take help of club members, family members and friends of our club. It is important that we fill the time slots.
Thanks–and have a great week,