Week 34 Update, Optimist Club
June 2, 2014 5:19 pm UncategorizedHappy June, Optimists,
This is a friendly reminder that we are now on our summer schedule and we do not have a meeting this week. That being said, we do have one addition to our summer schedule–an evening meeting at Cravath Lake on Tuesday, July 1 to help prepare the Gyro Stand. We will have some food on hand and will give some club updates as we enjoy each other’s company in gearing up for our largest fund raiser of the year. A big thank you to all those who have already signed up to work the Gyro Stand–and especially to some new folks that are getting connected with our club–Kelly Holck, Anna Bahr, and Kelly Strait (all copied on this email).
We do have the Fishing Derby this coming Saturday. Jeanine will be sharing a flyer that Kelly (our intern) designed for the event. Thank you to Rick, Mike and Al–as well as the student members of the UW-W Fishing Club who have joined forces to help coordinate this fun event for kids of all ages. Any helpers who are able to to head to the lakefront, please come down between 8:00am and 8:30am to help set up for the event.
Thank you to all of the helpers (Frank, Don, Hans, Carla, Joyce, Jeanine, Angie, Kate, Shelly–Kate’s daughter, and Kim A.) for highway clean up this past Thursday. We had a beautiful day, a strong workforce, tall blooming weeds, and many bags of trash collected. See the attached photos! I have left a message for the Rock County Adopt-A-Highway coordinator indicating that we have several bags of debris collected and on the sides of the highway. We can celebrate a lovely stretch of clean highway on 59!
Also attached is a brief request from Kelly related to promoting our club. Please help share our events via social media. You will also find updates on our club activities more frequently on the Whitewater Banner. Kelly will be submitting stories and photos on a regular basis.
Jeanine and Angie will be making contacts very soon related to our slate of officers. It is a great privilege to serve this organization–and it’s fun to do when there is a good working team of officers and board members. Please consider what your role could be for the next Optimist year.
Lastly, please join the UW-Whitewater Student Optimist Club on June 11 from 5-8pm at a Culver’s Night in Whitewater. This is a fund raiser for shipping the ambulance to Burkina Faso. The ambulance, Hassimi and some of the travelers will be on hand to visit with folks, take pictures of groups by the ambulance, and gladly accept any other donations. This is the night before Hassimi and Scott Sippel drive the ambulance to Baltimore to be shipped to Burkina Faso.
With gratitude,