February 24, 2014
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Happy Sunday Optimists,
I am pleased to say that our first annual Trivia Night went very well. I have received some nice emails and face to face comments about the evening. We had 17 teams participate with great energy and generosity in the Hamilton Room. We also had a good balance of Student Optimists, Community Optimists and other helpful volunteers at the event. Congratulations to Jan Olson and her team for taking second place at the event. Kim Simes and her team might get an award for the rowdiest group!
Within the next week, I will share a full report of our income and expenses from Trivia Night. For now, thank you to ALL who helped out and enjoy the photos on our Blog and on Facebook (which will be posted soon)!
Please remember that our noon meeting this Tuesday is cancelled, and instead we will meet from 5-7pm downtown at the Lakefront Pub (in the Warhawk Room). We will have a social and fellowship activity from 5:00-5:30pm, with an important discussion to follow at 5:30pm Our board has addressed some ideas about the future/leadership of our club as we look to the next year, and we believe that it is important to have an open discussion with all members. Please RSVP to me to confirm your attendance. Please also don’t let this scare you away. We are genuinely interested in feedback and ideas on how we can still serve the community with resources we have access to.
Thank you and enjoy the rest of your weekend.
Always in Optimism,
February 17, 2014
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Hi Everyone,
Check out the recent photos added to our web site. They include Whitewater Middle School Youth of the Month for December, 2013, Whitewater HighSchool Youth of the Month for January 2014, and pictures from our recent “New Optimist Wanted” (NOW) meeting on February 11, 2014. Enjoy!!
Dave Halbach, Optimist Club Electronic Communications Chair.
February 13, 2014
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Greetings Optimists,
On behalf of Kim and my self; this note is coming out a bit early because there are some important activities coming up and we thought getting early information would help you get these events on your calendar, now. (hint, hint)
First of all, A BIG THANK YOU to the 15 members who attended and to those members who brought 14 guests to the NOW meeting this past Tuesday. It was a great turnout and the “models” for our style show were a terrific hit! Thanks to each of them! Also, a huge thank you to Kim for the great slide show she put together while she was on vacation last week!
Please contact the guests you brought to our meeting to thank them for attending and ask them to JOIN!
The two news items this week: our Tuesday lunch meeting on the 18th is another Youth of the Month meeting. Due to the school closings last month we get two YOM’s this month. Remember, we will be back in our regular room, UC 259 from noon to 1.
THERE WILL BE NO NOON MEETING ON THE 25TH. Our monthly evening meeting is set for Tuesday, Feb. 25th to be held in the Warhawk room of the Lakefront pub downtown (the former Novak’s). We’ll start with a social and fellowship activity at 5 pm and a very important meeting about the future direction of our club will take place at 5:30 pm. Members will be able to order off the menu, if they so choose, but PLEASE, this is a very important opportunity to give input into the future of our club. Please make every effort to attend.
The other big event we have coming up is Trivia Night on Feb. 21 in the Hamilton Room. We are also STILL IN NEED OF TEAMS!!! It would be great to have a few teams come from our club’s membership. Consider getting a few of your office mates and friends together for a fun filled evening!
Lastly, Kim is ordering a very nice polo shirt from Aropa Designs in time for use at the Trivia night. They are of that new wicking fabric in purple with either a white or silver Optimist logo for only $22. Any one working the Trivia event can get one if you let Kim know what size. It’s only in men’s sizes so please order accordingly. Any other member who would like to update their Optimist wardrobe can order one also, BUT ALL ORDERS must be with Kim by 3 pm TOMORROW, to get them in time for next Friday.
Looks like the weather is finally going to break the freezing mark so have a terrific Hearts day and a great weekend!
Thanks–and will see many of you on Tuesday!
This is going to be a great year for Optimism!
Jeanine Fassl
UWW/Community Optimist Club
Emeriti Faculty
February 10, 2014
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Greetings Optimists,
The big news this week is our NOW meeting scheduled for our Tuesday lunch. Thank you to all who have responded to Jeanine with the number of guests you will be bringing to the meeting. We currently have 33 people on the list for Tuesday’s meeting. Remember, we will be in UC 261.
The other big event we have coming up is Trivia Night on Feb. 21 in the Hamilton Room. Please email me if you can help out with the event and you haven’t already signed up to assist. We are also still in need of teams. It would be great to have a few teams come from our club’s membership.
Please note that the email address for Susan Hiscox has been corrected in this email. If anyone wishes to send a mass email, please work off of this list.
Thanks–and see many of you on Tuesday!
February 4, 2014
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Dear Optimists,
Please join Vice President Jeanine Fassl at our club meeting tomorrow as we host Youth of the Month (rescheduled from last week) and guest speakers Joe Lynch and Officer Valadez, who will speak about school safety.
Next week is a big meeting as we will host a NOW meeting with style!! Please confirm with Jeanine your attendance and number of guests for the NOW meeting. This will be very important for catering purposes. Remember that the meeting is in UC 261, too!
Trivia Night is just around the corner, too (Feb. 21). We are in need of helpers and teams. Please spread the word about the event, and if you can help out, we would gladly take the assistance. See the attached sign up sheet. Jeanine will also have a hard copy at the meeting.
Board members, please note that our next meeting is Feb. 11 at 5:30pm in UC 262.
Other announcements will follow at the club meeting.
Always in Optimism,