January 28, 2014
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Hello Optimists,
Though the deep freeze continues, I hope some of you will be able to join us for our January 28 meeting. Coach Lance Leipold and two of his football players will be our guest speakers. They will be sharing stories, successes, and challenges from their National Championship season. If you are able to brave the elements, please join us. Please also send an RSVP to me to indicate if you are able to attend our meeting.
We will not be having Youth of the Month tomorrow because of the school closings.
Please note the information I sent out previously regarding Trivia Night on Feb. 21. I invite you help spread the word about the event, and to feel free to form a team. Also, we are still looking for more helpers from 6:30pm – 10:00pm that evening. Please let me know if you are able to help out for even a portion of the evening.
Finally, Jeanine also continues to ask for members’ help in spreading the word about our NOW meeting on Feb. 11. PLEASE consider bring a guest to this meeting. We will have a fun and informative meeting. It is important to have a good number of guests at this meeting in order to reach our full potential through the program.
Thanks–and think warm thoughts!
In Optimism,
January 27, 2014
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Greetings Optimists,
I want to invite you to participate in an exciting Trivia Night on Friday, February 21, 2014 at 7:00pm in the Hamilton Room of the James R. Conor University Center. The event will include 10 rounds of trivia, a silent auction, light refreshments and a cash bar. Childcare will also be provided. The cost per person is $10 or $80.00 per table (8-person max at each table). Cash prizes will be awarded to the top two teams. See attached flyer, and registration form, for more details.
This event is being sponsored by the UW-Whitewater Student Optimist Club and the UW-Whitewater/Community Optimist Club. Monies raised will help to ship of an ambulance to Burkina Faso, Africa as well as to help support the Family Emergency Fund for the Whitewater Unified School District.
Angie and I look forward to hearing from you and hope to see you at the event. We will both be there ready to greet you and to celebrate two great causes!
Thanks in advance for your consideration!
P.S. I invite you to pass this information on to others. Thank you!!
January 27, 2014
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Happy Spring Semester, Optimists!
We’ll have an information-packed meeting this Tuesday–including updates on the Quilt Raffle, Trivia Night, NOW Meeting, WellFest, and Relay For Life. We will be back in UC 259A.
Our guest speaker will be Marcie Pasquesi on behalf of W3 and WellFest. She is also looking forward to learning more about our club (she might be a potential new member).
Speaking of potential members, Jeanine is leading our club in the planning and hosting of a NOW meeting scheduled for February 11 in UC 261. She has been contacting members and encouraging them to follow up with prospective members. We are looking forward to a great turn out and a fun-filled NOW meeting. Please help us by bringing a guest or two. There are prizes involved! Thanks to all who are assisting Jeanine with the planning of our NOW program.
Enjoy your MLK day,
January 13, 2014
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Warm Greetings, Optimists,
What a nice surprise to see 40 degrees today!
Here are this week’s updates:
Our meeting tomorrow will be held in the Old Main Ballroom, UC 275A. Thank you to Jeanine who will once again facilitate the meeting since I will be in LEAP workshops all day tomorrow and Wednesday.
Our guest speaker will be Denise Kaminski on her family travels in Europe. Next week, we will hear from two guest speakers on the preparations for WellFest in March.
We have a new and exciting fund raiser coming up on Friday, Feb. 21 in the Hamilton Room at 7:00pm. This will be a Trivia Night–fun for the whole family. Light refreshments and childcare will be provided at the event. A silent auction will also accompany the Trivia Night. This event will be a collaborative effort with the UW-W Student Optimist Club–and a fair to good amount of planning has already taken place. Funds raised from the event will help support the shipping of an ambulance to Burkina Faso, Africa, as well as to support the Whitewater Unified School District Family Emergency Fund. A sign up sheet will be circulated at the meeting and then also sent out via email.
Denise is seeking helpers to sell quilt raffle tickets at upcoming UW-W home basketball games. If you are available/interested to assist in this way, we would greatly appreciate it. All proceeds from the quilt raffle will be donated to the Whitewater Food Pantry. The quilt will be raffled off at the Trivia Night on February 21.
Board members, we will have a meeting on Wednesday, Jan. 15 in UC 260. I know a couple of you can’t make it, but hopefully you can still give input outside of the meeting.
There are a couple of blood drives that are coming up that Jeanine will further discuss with members. They are scheduled for Jan. 24 (Armory) and Jan. 31 (Esker). There is quite a shortage of blood right now, so if you are able to donate, please consider doing so.
Thanks for reading and keep smiling,
January 6, 2014
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Thanks to Kim for rubbing it in that she’s in sunny Arizona while we are dealing with some of the most dangerously cold temps in nearly 20 years! LOL I’m just envious that she’s there and we’re not…
Due to this “deep freeze”, I really need to know how many people will actually be able to attend the meeting tomorrow. Since we will pay for 15, even if we only get 3 or 4, we should look at perhaps making a good decision for our members who do not work on campus and would therefore, be more exposed to this dangerous cold. And let’s not forget our members who would need to walk to the UC from their buildings. Even short walks could be dangerous.
I am asking for RSVP’s from anyone who is planning to attend. If we have at least 12 positive responses for people to attend, we could still plan for it. If not, I think we should wait til next week. Yes, I know that would mean a 3 week hiatus, but it’s really safer for those who wouldn’t normally be out and about due to the brutally cold weather. I will collect the responses and report back either way by 4 pm today.
Thanks for your timely replies!
This is going to be a great year for Optimism!
Jeanine Fassl
UWW/Community Optimist Club
Emeriti Faculty
January 6, 2014
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Happy New Year Optimists,
I send you warm wishes from sunny Arizona.
Thank you to those members who will be serving as judges for the Academic Decathlon this coming Friday, January 10.
Please also mark your calendars for a FUN fund raiser (Community Trivia Night) which is scheduled for Friday, February 21 in the Hamilton Room at 6:30pm. This event will be co-sponsored with the Student Optimist Club.
In March, we will have a chance to take tickets for gymnastics and track events for another fundraiser, as well as participate in the W3 Wellfest community event at Whitewater High School.
Thank you to Jeanine who will be leading our club meeting this Tuesday, and to Denise who will be our guest speaker about her trip to Europe.
In Optimism,