Week 12 Update, Optimist Club
December 16, 2013 3:49 pm UncategorizedHappy Ho, Ho, Ho to You, Optimists!
Our Optimist semester is winding down–but we still have some holiday service to provide. Here are a few items to note:
* Collection of toys for kids is today and the wrapping is at the Old Armory (beginning around 5pm). Please contact Al Hutchison if you can help or if you have any questions.
* The Mitten Tree presentation will take place at our club meeting tomorrow. Please bring any contributions of mittens, gloves, hats and scarves at our meeting. Anne Fellows has lined up school officials to receive the items.
Jeanine will be facilitating our meeting.
* Denise will be distributing quilt raffle tickets to members who are willing to help sell them. We have made $124 on the raffle so far (from Breakfast with Santa). All proceeds will be contributed to the Whitewater Food Pantry. The drawing will take place on February 21 at a Trivia Night sponsored by our club and the Student Optimist Club. This event has recently been approved by our board and could be a very large fund raiser for us, as well as a fun event to help host in the middle of winter. Our portion of the monies raised will be donated to the Whitewater Emergency Fund. The Student Optimists have a good start to the planning, but other assistance will be needed from our members. More information to come soon.
* Therese is offering an opportunity to our club to take tickets at two more events in late February and early March for the WIAC track and field and gymnastics championships. As Therese says, at least we would be inside and warm in helping with these events. She will have more information at the meeting tomorrow. She may also have an update on the Academic Decathlon.
* Please remember that we will not have club meetings on Dec. 24 and Dec. 30. We will reconvene on Jan. 7.
Thanks, All–and have a happy and safe holiday season!