November 12, 2013
Thanks for inviting me to present a little bit about social media and it’s implications for our club at today’s club meeting. I’ve added the presentation to our web site as a refresher for those at the meeting as well to help and inform those who couldn’t attend. Enjoy.
Dave Halbach
Electronic Communications Chair
Online Optimists
November 12, 2013
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I hope you enjoyed this snowy Veterans Day.
Thank you to all club members and their families who have served our country through the armed services!
Please join me for our meeting tomorrow as Dave Halbach brings us a program titled “Online Optimists.” Dave’s presentation is sure to be informative and eye opening. Please feel free to bring electronic devices to take notes and to explore some of the resources Dave will share with us.
Thank you to all who helped to organize our storage room at Starin Hall this past Friday. We had a total of 19 people from our club and the Student Optimist Club/Burkina Faso group who were able to come and go and contribute to a much more organized space!
Board Members, I will send a separate note to you tomorrow, but please mark your calendars for a board meeting from 5:30pm-6:45pm on Tuesday, Nov. 19 in the University Center. We only have one member who can not join us that evening.
Next week, we will not have a Tuesday meeting–rather we will have an evening meeting on Wednesday, November 20 at Jessica’s (in the back room) from 5:30pm – 6:30pm. Our program speaker will be announced soon!
See some of you tomorrow!
In Optimism,