Week 6 Update, Optimist Club
November 7, 2013 4:51 pm UncategorizedOptimists,
Happy Youth Appreciation Week1
Therese is doing a great job of keeping everyone updated on the youth activities for this week. Thank you to all who are helping with the bowling event and to distribute ice cream.
We should have an excellent turn out for our luncheon tomorrow. Please remember that this is our Youth Appreciation Lunch and because of the anticipated attendance of 75-80, we will be meeting in the Old Main Ballroom (UC 275) in the UC. The menu looks to be delicious–and our school counsels will be our program!
Board Members, please mark your calendars for our November Board meeting on Monday, Nov. 11 from 5:30pm-6:30pm in the University Center (Room TBD).
Also, Nov. 12 will be a great program with Dave Halbach at the helm helping us to get connected through our Blog, the OI web site, Linked In and Facebook. I am confident we will all learn a lot from Dave!
Please mark your calendars for Wednesday, Nov. 20. for our evening meeting. Jeanine will confirm the time and location soon! Thank you to Jeanine, Connie, Linda and Dave for creating a plan for membership recruitment.
That’s all for now. It’s time for the Packer-Bear kick off!
See many of you tomorrow.
In Optimism,