Week 9 Update, Optimist Club
November 25, 2013 Uncategorized No CommentsHappy Thanksgiving Week, Optimists!
I am thankful for all of you and the common purpose we have of serving the youth and our community.
I hope to see some of you at our meeting tomorrow. Kevin Brunner and Brienne Brown, from the Whitewater Community Foundation, will be our guest speakers.
Football ticket taking will continue for our group as our UW-Whitewater Warhawks claimed a victory over St. Norberts on Saturday. We will be hosting Franklin College (of Indiana) this Saturday for a 12:00pm kickoff. Hopefully the weather will be a touch nicer!!
On Tuesday, Dec. 3 during our 12:00pm meeting, we will be stuffing goodie bags for Breakfast with Santa. Santa, Mrs. Claus, Frosty and all of their helpers will be on hand on Saturday, Dec. 7 at Esker Hall for the big event. Breakfast will be served from 8:00am – 11:00am. Tickets are $1.00 for children and $4.00 for adults. Many tickets will be available through the Whitewater Food Pantry.
On Monday, December 9, we will have an Optimist Holiday Social at the Lakefront Pub (in the Whitewater Room), from 5:30pm-7:00om. We will order off the menu for dinner. Jeanine and I hope to see several folks there. Feel free to bring friends and family members.
Dec 10 will feature our “Gifts with a Meaning,” so if you wish, please bring a toy, book or stuffed animal that represents you and one of your interests/hobbies. For new members, please bring it unwrapped.
Speaking of new members, please continue to invite friends, colleagues, neighbors, etc to our meetings. It would be great to add some new faces and willing hands to our club’s membership roster. The board regrettably needed to vote on three resignations from our club at our meeting on Nov. 18.
Lastly–mittens, gloves, scarves and hats are needed for the children in our community. Anne Fellows will be arranging for school officials to come to our club meeting on Dec. 17 for our annual mitten tree presentation. Please bring any contributions of these types no later than the 17th. A tree will be set up outside of our meeting room for the presentation. Several other trees will be set up throughout the community.
With gratitude,