Week 4, Optimist Club
October 22, 2013 10:20 am UncategorizedGood Afternoon Optimist Members,
Our Week 4 email is a little longer. Please take 2-3 minutes to read through the info. Thanks–and here we go:
Tomorrow is our IMPORTANT Business Meeting. Our agenda will include (but not be limited to) discussing the following:
- Proposed Updated Club Bylaws and Policies
- A Quick Review of the 2013-14 Proposed Budget
- Membership Dues (possible need for an increase)
- Catering for weekly meetings (possible per person increase and suggested RSVP’s for lunch)
- Commitment to the Whitewater Unified Schools’ Emergency Fund and the Whitewater Food Pantry
- Student Club Support
- Potential New Youth/Community Projects and Fund RaisersRecruitment of New Members/Younger Professionals
Please see the Optimist Halloween Invite 2013 for our Halloween Fellowship gathering scheduled for Oct. 30.
Thank you to those who signed up to help clean/organize the Optimist storage room this Friday. So far, I have a few people on the list, but again—more hands with help the task go more quickly. Anyone else who is able to join (even for a short time), please let me know.
Therese will be sending out a note and sign up info for Youth Appreciation Week. Our Youth Appreciation Luncheon will be held in the Old Main Ballroom (UC 275 A & B) on Nov. 5th. We will need to ask for members to RSVP for this meal so that we can be adequately prepared to feed members and all of our guests.
If you can’t attend the business meeting, please feel free to send questions or ideas about the proposed budget or other agenda items. We will potentially be sending a survey to collect feedback on a few topics in the near futures.
Finally, please note that Denise has sent dues letters to all members currently on our club roster.
In Optimism,