October 29, 2013
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Hello All,
This is just a reminder that we do not have our club meeting tomorrow at 12:00pm. Also, we had scheduled a Halloween Fellowship meeting at Angie’s and my house for Wednesday, Oct. 30. Since we only had two people that indicated they could attend, we have decided to cancel the meeting for this Wednesday and try for another time when it might fit more schedules.
Thanks–and Happy Homecoming!
October 25, 2013
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Happy Friday Optimists,
Our Week 5 email is being sent a touch early in order to communicate some timely information. Please review the list:
1) We are not going to be cleaning/organizing the Optimist Storage Room in Starin Hall this afternoon. We have rescheduled to Friday, Nov. 8 from 3:00pm – 5:30pm. We will also have some help from the Student Optimists.
2) I am sad to report that Marijuana has resigned from serving as co-president, and is leaving our club. Her letter was read at our meeting this past Tuesday. Marijuana will surely be missed. I know that she is an optimist wherever she goes and whatever she does. I hope that one day, she will be able to rejoin us. Please contact me if you have any questions or concerns.
3) We do not have a club meeting on Tuesday, Oct. 29. We do, however have a Halloween Fellowship Meeting at Angie’s and my house on Wednesday, Oct. 30 from 5:00pm – 6:15pm. Please see the attached flyer. It will be helpful for planning the main entree if folks could RSVP by Monday at 12:00pm.
4) Thank you to Jeanine for coordinating our membership recruitment and NOW meeting preparations. Thanks, too, to those who have volunteered to help Jeanine and our club. More info to come in the near future!
5) Please see the news release (below) that Matt Amundson sent about the new playground equipment which was installed at the Optimist Turtle Mound Park this past week. I have been in touch with Matt to thank him for sharing the information and for giving credit to our Optimist Club. Matt has also informed me about the date for our next payment on the playground equipment.
Thanks for reading and I hope to hear back from some of you!
Always in Optimism,
October 25, 2013
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From Matt Amundson, Whitewater Parks & Rec Director.
On Wednesday, October 23rd & Thursday, October 24th volunteers joined City staff in the installation of a new playground at Optimist Turtle Mound Park. The UW-Whitewater Community Optimist Club made a $15,000 donation towards the project that was matched by the City. A photo gallery of progress can be viewed HERE. Surfacing material will be placed on Friday, October 25th, however, the playground will remain closed until a damaged support railing can be replaced. This is likely to happen the week of October 28th and when the yellow caution tape is removed the playground will be open.
A special thanks to volunteers that assisted with the installation including Derrick Wood, Dean Zweifel, Liesl Schultz, Russell Saunders, William Schmitz, Brian Backe, Travis Hartmann, Austin Stoltenburg, Brienne Diebolt-Brown, Duane Dickens, and Jamie Satre. The volunteers assisted Department of Public Works staff including Rick Babcock, Kelly Freeman, Kevin Heckert, Dave Himsel, Andy Beckman, and Mike Kaspar in the installation of the equipment.
The playground includes a new main play structure for children ages 2-12, a 4-bay swing set with accessible and infant swings, and two independent components – the Kid Force Spinner and Comet Spinner.

Optimist Turtle Mound Park Equipment
October 22, 2013
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Good Afternoon Optimist Members,
Our Week 4 email is a little longer. Please take 2-3 minutes to read through the info. Thanks–and here we go:
Tomorrow is our IMPORTANT Business Meeting. Our agenda will include (but not be limited to) discussing the following:
- Proposed Updated Club Bylaws and Policies
- A Quick Review of the 2013-14 Proposed Budget
- Membership Dues (possible need for an increase)
- Catering for weekly meetings (possible per person increase and suggested RSVP’s for lunch)
- Commitment to the Whitewater Unified Schools’ Emergency Fund and the Whitewater Food Pantry
- Student Club Support
- Potential New Youth/Community Projects and Fund RaisersRecruitment of New Members/Younger Professionals
Please see the Optimist Halloween Invite 2013 for our Halloween Fellowship gathering scheduled for Oct. 30.
Thank you to those who signed up to help clean/organize the Optimist storage room this Friday. So far, I have a few people on the list, but again—more hands with help the task go more quickly. Anyone else who is able to join (even for a short time), please let me know.
Therese will be sending out a note and sign up info for Youth Appreciation Week. Our Youth Appreciation Luncheon will be held in the Old Main Ballroom (UC 275 A & B) on Nov. 5th. We will need to ask for members to RSVP for this meal so that we can be adequately prepared to feed members and all of our guests.
If you can’t attend the business meeting, please feel free to send questions or ideas about the proposed budget or other agenda items. We will potentially be sending a survey to collect feedback on a few topics in the near futures.
Finally, please note that Denise has sent dues letters to all members currently on our club roster.
In Optimism,
October 16, 2013
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Happy Monday Optimists,
Here is our Week 3 Update:
Our guest Speaker tomorrow (Oct. 15) is Jess Walz on Baboons in Africa.
Oct. 18–Football ticket taking, UW-W vs. UW-EC; student appreciation night.
Oct. 22–IMPORTANT Business Meetings. Please plan to be a part of the discussion, including the planning of financial resources.
Oct. 25–Cleaning of Storage Room. Who is able to help from 3:00-5:30pm? Please RSVP to Kim–even if you can help for a short time. Many hands make light work.
Thanks and see some of you soon,
October 16, 2013
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Good Evening Optimist Members,
Here is this week’s brief update:
Our guest speaker for Oct. 8 will be Larry West on “Attracting Young Go-Getters.”
Board members, please send your feedback for the 2013-14 budget to Denise by Oct. 15.
Please note that we will have an important business meeting on Oct. 22. All are encouraged to attend and weigh in on some important decisions.
We will have a storage room cleaning session on Friday, Oct. 25 from 3:00pm-5:30pm. Please email me if you are able to assist. We will also pass around a sign up sheet at the next few meetings.
We hope to continue to see new faces at our meetings. Please continue to invite guests.
Thank you for your dedication to our club,
October 16, 2013
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Greetings Optimists,
Tomorrow begins our new Optimist year.
Thank you again to Jan and Mike for their leadership of our club in 2012-13. And…thank you to all of you for your commitment to our club, as well as to the ways in which you help serve our youth and our community.
Marijuana and I are looking forward to a great year. Please watch for short emails once per week about various club updates.
Here is this week’s note:
Oct. 1, 12:00pm—Guest speaker Tyler Salisbury from the Black Sheep.
Oct. 1, 5:15pm—First Board Meeting at Rick and Jeanine Fassl’s home (Thank you, Fassls!).
At our Installation Banquet last Tuesday, members committed to inviting guests to our meetings. Please remember to extend an invitation to friends, family members and colleagues. I have two guests coming tomorrow who are looking forward to learning more about our club.
More updates to come soon.
See many of you tomorrow!
In Optimism,