Personnel Announcement: Anand Vangipuram

Dear  ICIT Team-

It is with a heavy heart that I am sharing with you that  Anand Vangipuram has accepted a position with DoIT at UW-Madison. His last day with ICIT will be July 2. It goes without saying that Anand’s contributions to ICIT and to UW-Whitewater have been  immeasurable. He has positively impacted every person and every initiative he has touched over the years. I personally will miss him terribly. I would like to thank Anand, not only for his service and dedication, but also for providing a five week notice to help with transition planning. Early next week Anand and I will be meeting with the AIS team to get their feedback on the transition activities and future steps.

While we will never replace Anand, we will be working on filling the vacancy as soon as possible. The responsibilities have changed greatly since Anand joined us  4+ years ago.  We need to make sure that the new position description reflects the scope and also incorporates emerging responsibilities and trends. I invite all of you to send me your thoughts on what you think should be included in the new scope of responsibilities.

Thank you,



Personnel Announcement: Joe Rankin

Web applications developer Joe Rankin has given notice that he plans to leave UW-Whitewater. His last day with ICIT will be May 27. During his time on campus, Joe played a major role in the development of the campus’s Customer Relationship Management (CRM) system, which is used to recruit students, and the redevelopment of the campus Whitepages. Good Luck Joe!

Personnel Announcement: Rachel Gradian

Rachel has given notice that she has accepted a new position in the Madison area, her last Day with ICIT will be August 21st. Rachel is an alumna of UW-Whitewater. Rachel started as a Helpdesk student employee in 2010, before transitioning to TDC that same year. She worked as a student employee for several years, and after graduating in 2013, she moved to LTE status before settling in as a project employee. Rachel’s primary duties include managing technology assets and  facilitating the setup process in conjunction with the Helpdesk and A/V team. Rachel also played a central role in the Tech Surplus Sales, which are becoming increasingly popular on campus and in the community. Good luck in the state capital, Rachel.


Personnel Announcement: Brandon Wenger

Brandon Wenger has given notice that he has accepted a new position and will be relocating out of state. To accommodate this transition, his last day with ICIT is today. Brandon has worked closely with the Helpdesk as a tier 2 technician, helping troubleshoot and resolve issues. Good luck with the new gig Brandon.