Welcome Mike Cesar!

Please welcome Mike Cesar to the User Environment Team as a Workstation Software Technologist! Mike will be responsible for managing workstation software distribution and services for both, Windows and Mac platforms. In this role, Mike will design standard images based on the campus-wide and departmental needs. Mike will package, test and distribute applications and system updates. Mike will be located in Andersen 2003 and report to Ray Stanek.

Mike has a strong technology background and vast experience in enterprise desktop management. In his most recent role at Fiserv, he managed enterprise imaging and software deployments as well as all security updates.

Uptimes Spotlight – Jessica Eddy

2011-10-31 12 28 35

Jessica Eddy
(262) 472-5954


What do you do – explain how you fit into ICIT

  • I have been working in the IT industry for around 15 years. I have always enjoyed working with computers even when I was young. It used to drive my parents crazy when I would change settings and take apart our computer at home. I have mostly worked in the technical support and system administration field throughout my career.  My most recent job was as a System Administrator for a small software company that develops paging software for Cisco VoIP phones in Madison, WI. There, I had the opportunity to work with lots of Cisco VoIP products, Google Apps, Webex, VMWare and various other software applications that the developers would use for testing.  As a System Administrator, I had to have a lot of knowledge of the various software products. As the new Technology Training and Advancement Advocate for the ICIT department, I am excited to teach users the ins and outs of the many different software applications available to them on campus.

Something people don’t know about you

  • Back in my younger crazy days, right out of high school, I used to drive a Kawasaki Ninja motorcycle.



What was your first job?

  • When I was old enough to get my workers permit, my first job was cleaning dog kennels at a local animal shelter I used to volunteer at.

What’s your favorite piece of technology?

  • Probably my iPhone. I use it for everything – contacts, email, web, GPS, photos, etc. My entire life is on that thing. If I lost it I don’t even think I would remember my home phone number.

Tell me something interesting about yourself.

  • My favorite holiday is Halloween. I love trying to figure out what costume theme my daughter and I will have each year.  My favorite was the year I dressed her up as a lobster and I dressed up as a chef.  To top it off we went to Red Lobster for lunch. Best Halloween ever!



Do you have a special talent?

  • My friends tell me it is karaoke.  🙂

What is your guilty pleasure?

  • I love songs from Disney movies.


 Favorite TV Show?

  • Castle, Bones

Music genre?

  • Pretty much everything

What is your theme song?

Favorite vacation?

  • St. Lucia – warm white sandy beaches, the sound of the ocean, and a blended drink in hand.

Favorite food?

  • Anything Italian

Least favorite food?

  • Anything healthy – mostly vegetables

One place you must visit at least once?




Uptimes Spotlight – Kevin Behringer

KB profile picKevin Behringer
(262) 472-5010


What do you do? – explain how you fit into ICIT

  • I am the Web Content Specialist. My role is to act as a resource to help people create the best possible content for the various UWW websites.

Something people don’t know about you?

  • Probably a lot because I’ve only been here a month. I guess the fact that I drive a car with over 400,000 miles on it.

Favorite hobby?

  • With two small kids, things like “hobbies” are but fuzzy memories. I seem to remember enjoying golf at one point, though.

What was your first job?

  • I was a dishwasher at a lakeside restaurant near Slinger when I was 15.

What’s your favorite piece of technology?

  • Probably my iPhone. It’s the one piece of tech that I use every day in some fashion. Plus, on more than one occasion, bringing up an Elmo video on it has helped entertain an impatient child while waiting at a doctor’s office.

Tell me something interesting about yourself.

  • I delivered my second son (I guess my wife had something to do with it) in our bathroom. It was by no means intentional or desired, but it ended up working out in the end. Even so, I’d recommend a more traditional route – or at least having someone who knows what they’re doing there with you.

What are you passionate about?

  • I’m most passionate about my family and my faith. There are other things that catch my interest from time to time, but those are the two constants.

Do you have a special talent?

  • I don’t know if they’re special, but I play guitar and (foreshadowing my next answer) roast my own coffee.

What is your guilty pleasure?

  • I am a total coffee nut.

Favorite TV Show?

  • That’s a tough one because my wife and I have a running joke that whenever we really get into a show it ends up getting cancelled. But, I do enjoy re-watching some of my favorites from the past like Seinfeld and The West Wing.

Music genre?

  • Very wide-ranging, tough to nail down to just one.

Do you have a famous look-a-like?

  • I’ve had people tell me that I look like Kiefer Sutherland. I don’t necessarily see it and I’m certainly no Jack Bauer, but that’s the closest I’ve come to having a look-a-like.

kb lookalike

What is your theme song?

  • I don’t know that I’d say I have one, but a song that has stuck with me since high school is Eye of the Tiger. It was my hockey team’s theme song, so I guess it’s always held a special place with me.

Favorite vacation?

  • That’s a toss up for me. Until this past June it would have been Washington D.C. about five years ago. It really was an amazing trip to see the rich history of our country. But, this past June we went to Disney World with our two sons and watching them enjoy themselves so much and experience it for the first time quickly elevated that trip to the top of the list.

Favorite food?

  • No run-away winners, but high on the list is a steak from Coerper’s 5 O’Clock Club in Milwaukee.

Least favorite food?

  • I don’t have one specific least favorite, but cauliflower is up there.

Biggest fear?

  • Something happening to one of my kids – followed closely by heights.

kb heights

One place you must visit at least once?

  • It’s tough to narrow to just one. I’d really like to see Hawaii, as well as Italy.

hawaii  italy

Melissa Helgeson Accepts Systems & Network Engineer Position

iCIT welcomes Melissa Helgeson as the new Systems & Network Engineer in NOC. Her first initiatives will include familiarizing herself with the UWW Novell environment and assisting in the transition from Netware to Linux. For the last 10 years Melissa worked as a system administrator for Rock County, with experience in Novell Netware and Cisco networking systems. Melissa’s first day will be Monday, January 7.

David Wallace Accepts Position as Director of Application Development and Project Management

David Wallace has accepted the position of Director of Application Development and Project Management. In this role he will provide leadership, management and guidance to the application development team, manage planning and execution of large, complex information technology projects and foster a project management methodology and culture on campus.

David comes to UWW with 15 years of project management and IT management experience with an MBA from the University of Wisconsin. He has extensive experience working in Higher Education environments, including establishing project management methodologies and directing PeopleSoft development.

David’s first day with iCIT will be Monday, October 8. His office will be located in L2004.