Welcome Ashlynn Mitchell

A familiar face has joined the ICIT team. Former intern Ashlynn Mitchell is now a Business Analyst in the AIS department. Ashlynn interned last fall in the Project Management Office, where she helped implement the Eclipse Project Management System. She then graduated from UW-Whitewater in December with a bachelor’s degree in business administration, and a music minor. She is now back on campus again, this time as a full time employee.

Ashlynn’s duties will include collaborating with ICIT team members, tech liaisons, and other campus representatives in the planning, development, and deployment of new applications, and enhancements to existing applications. Ashlynn’s first day was Monday March 23rd, and she will report to Anand Vangipuram. Please join in welcoming Ashlynn to our team.

Spotlight                                                                                                                                  Ashlynn

office: L1015 | email: MitchellAJ02@uww.edu | phone: 262-472-TBD

What do you do? – explain how you fit into ICIT

  • I will be helping with the reporting and documenting of projects. I will also be the go-between person for IT team members and those outside of IT while implementing some new software.

Something people don’t know about you?

  • I’ve never had one favorite color – I like to use all the colors.

Favorite hobby?

  • I like to garden. I especially like the part where you get to eat.

What was your first job?

  • My first job was teaching piano, which I started doing regularly in 2007.

What’s your favorite piece of technology?

  • The smartphone!  Because I just got one after graduating.

Music genre?

  • I like to listen to many different types of music; I like to play classical piano.

Favorite vacation?

  • My favorite family vacation was going to out west to Yellowstone National Park when I was about 12. It was beautiful! My favorite place I’ve been to, though, is Costa Rica, where I went to a Spanish language school last summer.

Favorite food?

  • I really like food, and I cannot pick a favorite. Pretty much anything like homemade is my favorite. I like to cook.

Least favorite food?

  • Raw sushi.  I think.  I actually don’t know if I’ve had raw sushi, but I can’t get past the idea.  I do not like my meats too rare.  I do like to try new foods though.

Biggest fear?

  •  Heights. By heights, I mean six feet and beyond.

Welcome Elliot Kan

ICIT is pleased to welcome Windows Systems Engineer Elliot Kan to the team. Prior to joining ICIT, Elliot spent the past seven years in a similar role at EnPro Industries, an industrial-scale power systems manufacturer headquartered in Beloit.

Here on campus, Elliot will be responsible for installing, configuring, troubleshooting, and upgrading the campus’s Windows Server infrastructure and the enterprise software residing on the servers. Elliot will also maintain Windows Server-related technologies, including: Exchange, Active Directory, Windows Server 2012, IIS, and SQL.

Elliot is a UW-Whitewater alumni. He graduated in 2006 with an undergraduate degree in Business Administration – Information Technology Infrastructure. Elliot’s first day with ICIT was Monday, February 2nd. He will report to Nick Ciesinski.


Elliot Kan

office: McGraw 202 | email: kanET09@uww.edu | phone: 262-472-7025

What do you do? – explain how you fit into ICIT

  • As the new Systems Engineer, I will be assisting Chris O’Connor and NOC team in the upkeep of our Windows Server and core service infrastructure including (Active Directory, Email, and Storage Management).

Something people don’t know about you?

  • As a former UW-Whitewater student, I hold a minor in music playing the French horn and was a distance swimmer of our swim team.

Favorite hobby?

  • I love flying, but most recently I married into a family which shows Belgian draft horses (Same class as the Budweiser Clydesdales) at local county fairs e.g. (Boone, IL, Jefferson, and Walworth).  While I’m not helping out at the fairs, I am taking care of my 7-month old son Nicholas and pushing forward with studies for my Microsoft certification.

What was your first job?

  • Prior to exposure in IT, I worked at Nasco fulfilling orders and stocked inventory on shelves.

What’s your favorite piece of technology?

  • I find all aspects of technology interesting, but currently I will say it is mobile.  In a pinch, mobile has allowed me to refill prescriptions remotely to playing songs with Pandora when my son is due for a nap.

Music genre?

  • Depends on the mood, it ranges from Rock and R&B to film scores and A cappella. I mentioned to my wife it would be nice to see John Williams in concert.

Favorite vacation?

  • I recently was invited to cruise with my in-laws in the Caribbean. I found the experience very fun and would like to do future excursions.

Favorite food?

  • I would have to say it is pizza, but I will try almost anything.

Least favorite food?

  • I had tripe once while visiting family in Hong Kong. I do not recall if it was the taste or texture, but I did not find it appealing.

Biggest fear?

  • I have a fascination in the research of paranormal phenomenon.  That said, I also it find scary at times too

New tier 2 desktop support administrator joins ICIT team

ICIT is pleased to welcome Brandon Wenger to the UW-Whitewater campus. In his role, Brandon will help keep campus computer systems up-to-date and running smoothly, he will also support the Help Desk by ensuring customer issues are quickly addressed.

Prior to joining ICIT, he spent more than four years working in multiple IT-related roles at UW-Milwaukee, where he is also an alumni. Brandon’s first day with ICIT was Monday January 12th, he will report to Ray Stanek.

Welcome to the ICIT team Brandon!


Brandon Wenger

office: Andersen 2003F | email: wengerb@uww.edu | phone: 262-472-7030

What do you do? – explain how you fit into ICIT

  • I am a desktop support administrator with a focus in Macintosh systems. My role at iCIT will be to develop plans to ensure software and operating systems are updated regularly and that our customers support issues are quickly addressed.

Something people don’t know about you?

  • I really enjoy taking road trips and visiting new places!

Favorite hobby?

  • Spending large amounts of time automating seemingly easy tasks like opening blinds and turning on lights for the sheer fun of watching it all work together.

What was your first job?

  • My first job was at 14 delivering my hometown’s newspaper, The Monroe Times!

What’s your favorite piece of technology?

  • The Raspberry Pi minicomputer, because of its cost, versatility, and functionality.

Music genre?

  • Anywhere from alternative rock to classical music, depending on my mood and the traffic ahead of me.

Favorite vacation?

  • My trip to Florida a few years ago, but I would be happy anywhere with a warm climate and a beach.

Favorite food?

  • Lobster anything is my favorite dish to eat.

Least favorite food?

  • Mushroom anything would be my least favorite food.

Biggest fear?

  • Being lost and seeing “Network Unavailable” or “No Signal” on my mobile device.

New security and compliance officer joins ICIT team

Please welcome ICIT’s new security and compliance officer – Hank Ritzert – to the team. Hank will help ensure that ICIT’s and University of Wisconsin-Whitewater’s systems remain secure and compliant with various state and federal regulations. In his role as security and compliance officer, Hank will also help write regulatory policies to guide ICIT’s practices. Hank reports to Elena Pokot.

Hank is no stranger to higher education, prior to joining ICIT, he spent 13 years as senior security analyst at Northern Illinois University in DeKalb, Illinois. At NIU, Hank helped conduct forensic investigations, monitored the network intrusion detection systems, and worked with law enforcement on security-related matters.


Hank lo-res cropoffice: 2003E | email: ritzerth@uww.edu | phone: 262-472-7026

What do you do? – explain how you fit into ICIT

  • I help make sure UW-Whitewater is compliant with regulations stemming from legislation such as FERPA (Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act) and HIPAA (Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act). I also make sure that data submitted through card payments is secure. Essentially, my role is to ensure that our systems remain secure and meet federal regulations.

Something people don’t know about you?

  • I have a very eclectic taste in music. I like the classical composers such as Haydn, Mozart, and Tchaikovsky, but I also listen to Guns N’ Roses, Five Finger Death Punch, Pink Floyd, Amy Winehouse, and Adele to name a few. I also really like this a Capella group called Straight No Chaser, so I like pretty much everything but country.

Favorite hobby?

  • I am a marathon cyclist. I participate in a seven day event every year called RAGBRAI with a group of friends. It is a week-long ride across the state of Iowa that consists of cycling, fun, and beer. I’d share our team name with you, but it’s NSFW.

What was your first job?

  • I was a landscaper. I loved that job. I got to be outside all day and I got to be really good at laying sod.

What’s your favorite piece of technology?

  • I just got an iPhone 6 Plus, that’s up there. But, I think my favorite piece of technology is the “cyclocomputer” I use when I’m on my bike.  It’s a little gadget that tracks things like heart rate, bike speed, rpms I’m pedaling at, and distance when I’m out for a ride. So when the weather is nice, that’s my favorite piece of technology.

Music genre?

  • As I mentioned before, I’ve got a pretty taste. You name it, I’ll probably listen to it… unless it’s country.

Favorite vacation?

  • Maui

Favorite food?

  • I like food. So let’s go with, Tetrazzini.

Least favorite food?

  • Mushrooms

Biggest fear?

  • Failure. Flat. Out. Failure.

ICIT welcomes new communications specialist

Ben Kroeplin joined the ICIT team on November 14th as the new senior communications specialist. Ben will work closely with all areas of ICIT to help craft announcements and public-facing communications. Ben will also play a critical role in organizing events, behind the scenes planning, and a wide variety of marketing/communications-related projects. Ben reports to Elena Pokot.

Previous to joining ICIT, Ben worked in a similar role as marketing specialist for Dean Foundation, the research-oriented non-profit affiliate of Dean Health System. Ben has an extensive communications background having also worked as an on-air radio personality and as a journalist before moving to a less public career path.

Need to get the word out about something? Need some help promoting or communicating a department-wide or campus-wide project? Talk to Ben.


ben lo-res2-cropoffice: 2008B | email: kroeplib@uww.edu | phone: 262-472-5661

What do you do? – explain how you fit into ICIT

  • I basically administer day-to-day communications for the department to help ensure that the information we are sending out to students and staff is timely and accurate. I’ll also plan department events and work on a pretty wide variety of projects within all areas of ICIT.  So, odds are you’ll see me pop in to your department from time to time.

Something people don’t know about you?

  • I used to be on the news. I have worked at a couple of TV stations as an on-air news reporter and anchor. So if you ever see me wearing a shirt with a makeup stain on the collar, you know why.

Favorite hobby?

  • I used to be a in a band. But, I just got married and plan to go to graduate school next year, so I no longer have time for fun things.

What was your first job?

  • When I was about 14, I spent the summer hauling manure for farmers. While I couldn’t legally drive a car, apparently it is perfectly legal for a 14-year-old to get behind the wheel of a gigantic tractor hauling 3,000 gallons of liquid manure and then operate that gigantic manure-laden tractor on the public’s roadways.

What’s your favorite piece of technology?

  • My iPhone. I’d like it even more if the new iPhone 6 wasn’t on back order.

Music genre?

  • I have a pretty diverse taste in music. If I had to pick a favorite (or two) I’d go with old-school punk and progressive metal.

Favorite vacation?

  • I like camping. So I try to get away and camp someplace exotic when I can (I prefer the coasts somewhere). Otherwise, San Francisco is my favorite place on earth besides Wisconsin.

Favorite food?

  • Cheesecurds. I’m a cheesecurd snob connoisseur.

Least favorite food?

  • Beets. Beets are gross.

Biggest fear?

  • Heights… and the Minnesota Vikings winning Super Bowl which would render my repertoire of Vikings jokes useless.