The position for Technology Support Center Manager (formerly Helpdesk Manager) in iCIT has been posted and the search for a manager to fill this role is underway. External advertising for the position will begin this week.
Since June 2009, the role of Helpdesk Manager has been filled on an interim basis by Crystal Herron, who has done an outstanding job in overseeing the day-to-day Helpdesk operations. She will continue in this role for the next few weeks. Crystal is to be commended for her service. Please join us as we thank her for her dedication, and wish her and her husband Joel the best as they begin their family. Thank you, Crystal!
To assure we do not have an interruption of performing responsibilities, Lisa Rowland will provide coverage for the Helpdesk, in addition to her HP SM duties, as needed until the new manager is hired.
The Technology Support Center Manager will be a key position to the iCIT organization, and campus. Those who are interested in being a part of the search process should contact Kent Steinike or Elena Pokot.