Open Position for Director of Application Development and Project Management

Recruitment has begun for a Director of Application Development and Project Management. This position will provide leadership, management and guidance to the application development team, manage planning and execution of large, complex information technology projects and foster a project management methodology and culture on campus. The full position description is available online at If you know anyone who would be a good match for this position, please let them know about the opportunity.

Two important considerations led to the creation of this Director position. After Kent Steinike left his position for personal reasons, there was a crucial need to continue the progress in developing a project management culture that he had begun. In a short time, Kent helped establish project management awareness and methodology for campus IT initiatives. The new director position will continue this direction.

Additionally, Theresa Parker expressed a desire to pursue other interests related to application development. iCIT customers continually bring new needs and requests for functionality to the application group. Theresa would like to direct her energies and experience toward understanding our customers’ business needs and processes and leveraging the existing functionality of our ERP system.

The Director of Application Development and Project Management position is important to the mission of iCIT, and we are counting on your feedback during the search process.

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