New UniPrint Print Release Solution

The General Access Labs and a number of public access labs on campus face issues of high volume printing as use of online technology continues to increase. In order to curb the volume and reduce the waste of paper, ITS implemented a home-grown print release system in our general access labs three years ago based on the Novell printing management functions.
The idea was well received and a number of campus labs have adopted the system. The print release system reduced the amount of waste significantly in spite of the exponential increase of printing demand. However, due to the change of the operating environment and limited resources devoted to the maintenance of the system, ITS faced a growing amount of performance issues in the various labs.
In early summer 2006 ITS launched a comprehensive effort to search for an alternate solution. They successfully installed two systems on a pilot basis over the last month of the semester. Based on the features, costs, and compatibility with our current environment, they selected Pharos UniPrint to replace our current system. This new system will be launched in the General Access Labs – McGraw & Andersen, the University Library, COE labs, and a number of other facilities where printing is heavy. ITS hopes the new system will provide stability in lab printing and be able to help manage the volume during the Spring semester and beyond.

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