Microsoft released Office 2007 for Windows in December. According to Microsoft, Office 2007 “presents newly designed menus and toolbars as well as new features [used] to complete tasks more quickly and easily.” UWW is currently evaluating the new version of Office and expects to roll it out with the Windows Vista in Spring 2008. Training sessions will be available as deployment begins.
What’s new with Office 2007?
The most noticeable change in Office 2007 is that the standard toolbar, normally home to common menus like File, Edit, and View, has been replaced by a “Ribbon” of buttons and icons.
Another big change is that Office 2007 uses new file formats. For example, when you save a document in Word 2007, it saves as a .docx file (instead of .doc as in previous versions of Office). These new file extensions are intended to reduce file sizes; however, documents are not compatible with older versions without a conversion pack.
iCIT staff members may access a powerpoint presentation about the new Microsoft products on the H: drive. The presentation outlines new features and plans for deploying the products on campus. The presentation is available at: H:\Projects\IE7\All things MicroSoft Presentation.ppt