Congratulations, Dr. Karen Skibba!

Congratulations to Karen Skibba, Instructional Design Specialist, LTC, who recently received a Doctor of Philosophy in Urban Education with an Adult and Continuing Education Specialization from UW-Milwaukee.  The title of Karen’s  dissertation is: “An Investigation of How Faculty Members Learn to Teach Adult Students in Blended Programs.”

Her study found that experienced faculty members needed to learn anew and rethink pedagogical strategies when designing and teaching new course delivery formats.  Faculty members learning to teach are also adult learners who learn through experience and by conducting experiments.    This study confirmed that faculty members who teach in a blended program need guidance on how to use technology and also seek pedagogical strategies to increase both student and faculty success.

Karen was recently notified that her research will be published in 2012 book titled “Virtual Mentoring for Teachers: Online Professional Development Practices.”  Her chapter will be titled “Adult Learning Influence on Faculty Learning Cycle: Individual and Shared Reflections While Learning to Teach Online Lead to Pedagogical Transformations.”

Way to go, Dr. Karen!


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