Changes in CTSS Strengthen Tier 2 Support

At the division meeting in November, Kent Steinike, Customer Technology Services and Support (CTSS) Manager, outlined a plan to build a more comprehensive and integrated  level of Tier 2 support.  We’re pleased to announce several changes to CTSS that will help the organization drive towards this model. 

Adam Hufnagel, currently a Tier 2 Technician, will have an expanded role.  Specifically, Adam will handle Tier 2 tickets, assist in advanced troubleshooting, and assume responsibility for some of the tickets that are currently being handled by Tier 3.  He also will continue to be responsible for hardware purchase consultation and ordering for the campus.

As a result of Adam’s role change, we will be hiring a new Technical Support Technician to help in Tier 2 workload.  This position was posted on Dec. 23 and we expect to start interviews the week of Jan. 17.  The person in this new position also will assist Joe Friedel with some customer contact tasks related to desktop applications.

Doug Brown’s role as a Tier 2 Technician will not change. 

To assist Adam and Doug in the Tier 2 area, Geoff Sdano, a  TSC student technician since 2007, will help with Tier 2 troubleshooting, taking his direction from Adam.  Geoff has developed a solid background in customer service and technical skills during his time in the TSC.       

Also as part of the plan outlined at the division meeting, the Technology Support Center (TSC) Helpdesk has created a team lead/ incident coordinator role.   We’re pleased to announce that Derek Milz, a TSC student employee, has accepted the job as the TSC Team Lead.  Derek recently graduated from UW-Whitewater in December with a BBA degree in Information Technology.  In his new job, Derek will function as an incident coordinator with a primary goal of reinforcing quality assurance, including reviewing ticket quality and mentoring students in improving ticket creation, troubleshooting, and escalation process.   Derek will report to Mark Wozny, TSC Manager.

Completing the CTSS team, Lisa Rowland will continue to manage implementation of HP Service Manager, including Knowledge Base and Change Management functions. 

If you have any questions related to the new position or role changes, please contact Kent Steinike.

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