iCIT Divisional Meeting Recap: Where, Who, What, How

iCIT held it’s biannual divisional meeting on Wednesday, May 2 in the Fern Young Terrace. CIO Elena Pokot described the challenge of balancing the daily urgency of customer and system support with the bigger picture of enabling students for a future of exponential change. Faced with this daily challenge, she offered a “path to the the future” for iCIT:

  • Our Roadmap: Where We Are Going
  • Our Organizational Struture and Culture: Who We Are
  • Our Projects and Initiatives: What We Do
  • Our Processes: How We Do It

During the course of the meeting, several iCIT team members provided updates on projects that are moving the organization and the UWW campus forward. A number of individuals were also recognized for their recent accomplishments.

An online version of the divisional meeting powerpoint presentation is available at http://geturl.uww.edu/8a.

Open Position for Enterprise Systems Engineer

iCIT is now recruiting for an Enterprise Systems Engineer. This position will be responsible for deploying and maintaining a storage environment as well as providing primary and backup expertise for a number of other enterprise systems. The full position description is available online at http://www.uww.edu/adminaff/hr/employmt/class.htm#ISTECH. If you know anyone who would be a good match for this position, please let them know about the opportunity.

This position developed after we were unable to recruit a person with substantial experience in storage architecture. In order to meet our timeline goals for the storage project, we changed our approach. Now we are looking for a person with a solid background in enterprise system management (storage experience is a plus, but not a requirement). Our plan is to use external expertise to help design the storage architecture and provide knowledge transfer to this position.