Meet Baby Rori Pepper

Rori Marie Pepper was born to Greg & Roberta Pepper at 7:54am on Thursday, October 4, 2007. She weighed 7lbs 13oz and measured 21.5 inches long.

Congratulations Pepper Family!

David Wallace Accepts Position as Director of Application Development and Project Management

David Wallace has accepted the position of Director of Application Development and Project Management. In this role he will provide leadership, management and guidance to the application development team, manage planning and execution of large, complex information technology projects and foster a project management methodology and culture on campus.

David comes to UWW with 15 years of project management and IT management experience with an MBA from the University of Wisconsin. He has extensive experience working in Higher Education environments, including establishing project management methodologies and directing PeopleSoft development.

David’s first day with iCIT will be Monday, October 8. His office will be located in L2004.

Chris Schreiber Accepts Information Security Officer Position

iCIT welcomes Chris Schreiber as the new Information Security Officer. In this role, he will be primarily responsible for the campus Information Security and Assurance Program and IT Policy Development. Chris comes to UWW with over nine years experience leading and managing technology teams in higher education environments, including positions at Central Michigan University and UW-Madison. Chris’ first day will be Monday, October 1. His office will be located in L2008A.

iCIT Divisional Meeting – Wednesday, October 31

The next iCIT Divisional Meeting will be held on Wednesday, October 31 from 1:00-3:30pm in the Fern Young Terrace. The event will provide an update on the progress of iCIT as a whole, update specific projects and initiatives, and provide a look at what’s next for iCIT. The event will be added to your Outlook Calendar. Please plan to attend. Refreshments will be served.

Open Position For Workstation Services Manager

iCIT is now recruiting for a Workstation Services Manager. One goal of the Unified Desktop project was to develop a common tool-set and methodology for managing campus workstations; with the upcoming completion of the project, the responsibility for the on-going support of the workstation management tools and processes will belong to this position.

Continue reading “Open Position For Workstation Services Manager”