Welcome Alex Copp!

On behalf of the entire ICIT Team, we would like to welcome Alex as our new IT Support Technician at the UW-W at Rock County campus.

Alex’s responsibilities will include: troubleshooting daily technology issues according to ICIT policies and procedures, maintaining accurate inventory of all hardware and software licenses, resolving problems with AV equipment in classrooms, training end-users on office, lab, and classroom technology, and providing tech support for distance education activities and public events.

Alex comes to us from UW-Rock County where (prior to restructuring) he spent the last two years fulfilling many of the same duties listed above. Additionally, Alex has over 10 years of extensive sales support and customer service experience. He is a Mobile Electronic Certified Professional, has advanced knowledge of AV systems and components, as well as installation and servicing techniques.

Alex lives in Janesville with his pet hamster named Jeffrey. He is an ardent collector of rare stamps, does not enjoy guacamole, and once, on a dare, ate an entire box of saltine crackers in under 5 minutes.

We are thrilled to have Alex join our team! If you ever find your way to the Rock County campus, please welcome him to ICIT.

Congratulations Elliot Kan!

Congratulations to Elliot Kan and his wife Nicole on the birth of their baby girl! Madelynn Marie Kan was born October 14th at 1:54PM, weighing 7lbs 8oz.

Madelynn’s older brothers (Nicholas and Jameson) were in attendance and very excited to welcome their new sister into the world!

Congrats again Elliot, you have a beautiful family!

Thank You Sarah Klingman-Cole!

We are sorry to announce that Sarah Klingman-Cole will be departing her full-time position with ICIT.

Over the last few weeks, Sarah has transitioned into a USTE role. She is currently working to develop and implement a learning analytics project for the Learning Technology Center.

Sarah joined ICIT in the spring of 2017 as the Technology Promotion and Adoption Specialist for the Learning Technology Center. She made an immediate impact within the LTC, taking on a huge initiative and creating the Computer Security Awareness Training Course in D2L.

Sarah worked closely with both instructional and non-instructional staff, whether that was through technology adoption pilots like Goosechase and Poll Everywhere, technology training for Active Learning Classrooms, or promoting the latest communication and collaboration features of Webex Teams.

Sarah was an integral part of the LTC, and she will be missed. We hope for nothing but the best for Sarah, and we are grateful for her continued contributions in her new USTE role.

Thank you Sarah!

Welcome Mary Acuna!

On behalf of the entire ICIT team, I would like to welcome and introduce Mary Acuna as our new Customer Operations Manager!

Mary has been in IT for about 25 years, starting as a network administrator, eventually headed up infrastructure then crossed over to leading Application Development & PMO teams and then BI & DW teams. She was also the CIO at a family-owned distribution company and led their Global Supply Chain for a number of years.

As the Customer Operations Manager, Mary’s duties will include: communicating with customers at all levels of the university regarding their technology concerns, address these concerns, and resolve issues. She will also serve as a customer advocate in ICIT planning processes, help customers understand and adhere to campus technology policies and standards, as well as develop ICIT policies, procedures and guidelines.

For the past 20 years, Mary has lived on a hobby farm in Bristol (Kenosha County). However, she is currently in the process of downsizing and planning to move closer to Whitewater and her daughter’s family in Watertown. Mary has three children, one son in his last year in the Fine Arts program at Michigan State, another son in his final year at UW-Milwaukee where his focus is IT, and a daughter, whom recently (with her husband) celebrated the birth of their first child!

One very cool fact about Mary is that three years ago, along with her mother, opened a farm-to-table restaurant in Bristol, WI. The restaurant is still going strong and Mary loves the opportunity to work with local farmers, cheese makers, distillers and artists.

We are excited to have Mary join the ICIT family. Please take some time to introduce yourselves and welcome her when you can!

Welcome Timm Portman!

On behalf of the entire ICIT team, I would like to welcome and introduce Timm Portman as our new Windows Lead System Engineer. Timm comes to us with 28 years’ of private sector experience as a Microsoft systems engineer. His focus includes: Microsoft Active Directory, Exchange, VMware and Microsoft virtualization.

Timm will be leading a team of Windows Systems Administrators where he will be installing, patching, and maintaining servers running the Windows operating system. He will also be overseeing evaluation of vendor proposals and customer requests for alignment with University technical standards and directions.

Timm lives in Watertown with his wife, daughter, their dog and two cats. He also has a son who is currently living in Ohio and finishing up his degree in Music Education.

Some day, Timm would like to take a small, open-sea ship sailing vacation to the Virgin Islands, learn to SCUBA and sky dive (hopefully more than once)!

We are thrilled to have Timm join the ICIT family. Please take some time to introduce yourself and welcome him when you can!