Distance Education & Media Services Coordinator Position Posted

Upon Kathy Gibbs retirement last year, the Distance Education department became part of Instructional Technology Services. ITS is now recruiting for a new Distance Education & Media Services Coordinator. This academic staff position will be responsible for directing the delivery of distance education courses and programs and facilitating university classroom technology systems.

Position details are available on the UWW Human Resources website.

Jim Pick Announces Retirement

iCIT would like to congratulate Jim Pick on his upcoming retirement. After # years of service to UWW, Jim has announced that his last day will be December 22, 2006. There will also be a lunch party on Wednesday, December 20 to congratulate Jim and wish him well. More details will be provided later.

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NOC & OTEC Implement Time Tracking

As part of iCIT’s ongoing efforts to implement and improve project managment, several members of NOC and OTEC recently began using time-tracking methods. Time-tracking is a tool that categorizes how employees spend their time on various projects throughout a work week. This provides benefits to both the individuals and the managers in these departments. Those who use time-tracking are able to discover how their time is being used on projects and contribuitng to departmental goals. Time-tracking also enables managers to see how time and personnel resources are being allocated to projects. This allows them to make better decisions, set priorities and improve project planning.