iCIT Divisional Meeting – Wednesday, May 2

The next iCIT Divisional Meeting will be held on Wednesday, May 2 from 1:00-3:30pm in the Fern Young Terrace. The event will provide an update on the progress of iCIT as a whole, update specific projects and initiatives, and provide a look at what’s next for iCIT. The event will be added to your Outlook Calendar. Please plan to attend. Refreshments will be served.

Open Position for Web Applications Developer

Recruitment has begun for an open position on the OTEC web team for web applications developer. The position is currently posted for transfer: http://www.uww.edu/adminaff/hr/employmt/class.htm#TrnsfrOppor. The transfer opportunity is until March 20.

If the position is not filled by transfer, open recruitment for the position will begin shortly after the transfer period ends.

Please pass this information to any contacts you have that may be interested in applying. If you have any questions, feel free to contact Mary Jo deMeza.

Personnel Update

Two iCIT team members have announced that they will be leaving our division for new opportunities.

Yau Lau moved from her role as a programmer in AIS to a new role in Institutional Research on February 1st. We appreciate Yau’s contribution to our team during her time in iCIT and are happy to see her continue her career at UWW.

Barry Henrichs announced that he will be leaving at the end of February to relocate to the New Orleans area where he will be serving as a long-term volunteer project manager in the reconstruction efforts. During his time with iCIT, he led the organization in establishing a web development environment and defined clear standards for development projects. We wish Barry well in his new adventure and know that he will make a significant contribution there as he did here.

Organizational Change – Web Management Group

As the need for Web-based communication and business processes grows rapidly across the campus, iCIT’s role in supporting these services continues to evolve, as well. Our web customers do not generally differentiate between website design, support, application development, and content management – for them these are all related components of their websites. In this context, the web support and web development areas have been working together closely to meet customer needs.

In order to reflect this need for integrated services organizationally, the web development team and Web support team will be merged. Effective January 16th, 2007 the merged Web Management group will become a part of OTEC, reporting to Mary Jo deMeza. The group will continue to work closely with other areas of iCIT in order to leverage existing tools, applications and systems, and to assure appropriate infrastructure and capacity planning Aligning the resources in this manner will enable our customers to have a common point of contact and support as we formalize our request for service processes.

If you have questions or comments regarding this change, please do not hesitate to speak with Elena Pokot or Mary Jo deMeza.