Personnel Update

Lorna Wong will be taking a leave of absence from campus for the next two years. She accepted a position as the Interim Director of Learning Technology at UW System Administration. This is a unique opportunity for her to work on projects related to learning technology across UW System, and to participate in strategic leadership surrounding the direction of Course Management Systems. Lorna will start in her new role on October 1st.

During this transition Elena Pokot will assume responsibility for managing and providing direction to the ITS staff.  Additionally, we are very fortunate that Veronica Telfer has agreed to be the interim Coordinator of the LTC until a more permanent replacement is hired.   We also are in the process of hiring an additional Instructional Designer.  This approach will minimize disruption and enable us to proceed with all current initiatives as planned.

Please join us in wishing Lorna well during the next chapter of her career.  Also, Elena ( welcomes your comments and questions regarding the transition.

Veronica Telfer joins LTC

Veronica Telfer joined Learning Technology Center with the start of the Fall semester. She will assist in the instructional design and support for faculty and teaching staff as the number of online courses continue to grow. Roni has extensive instructional design and administrative experience. She will be working on a part-time basis and her office will be located in the LTC, Andersen 1002.

Open Position for Database Administrator

iCIT is now recruiting for a Database Administrator. The position works under general supervision with objectives and priorities established by overall iCIT organization direction and iCIT strategic plans.  The position requires a broad knowledge of campus IS architecture as well as IS concepts, principles and practices.

The position is open for transfer through August 27, 2008.  If the position remains unfilled after the transfer period, it will be open until filled.  The full position description is available online at If you know anyone who would be a good match for this position, please let them know about the opportunity.

Preview the New iCIT Website

A new iCIT website will go live on Monday, August 25, and we want to give you a sneak peek. Please take some time to preview the site at Also, please especially review the content relevant to your area/services within iCIT. There are still a few final pieces to be put in place, but the vast majority of the site is ready to go. If you have any comments, corrections or other feedback, please reply to Jeff Lovell (
Over the past several months we’ve been busy developing the new site, including significantly revising the content and structure for the site. We’ve moved away from the audience-based tabs and toward a service-oriented structure. We expect the new site will make it much simpler for customers to find the information they are looking for, and it is written from a customer oriented perspective.