Greg Roehl, Tech Purchasing, Update

As some of you may be aware, Greg Roehl, who manages the technology purchasing program for campus, will be out of the office on an extended medical leave for the next few weeks.  

To ensure continuity of service during Greg’s absence, CTSS staff members will coordinate tech purchasing activities and manage the tech purchasing work flow.  Customers are asked to direct all queries, including requests for new purchases and order status, to   If you are  aware of any customer issues or concerns, please forward them to so that they can be addressed.   Thank you for your help in ensuring our customers do not experience service disruption. 

All of us in iCIT extend our best wishes to Greg for a full and speedy recovery.

Search to fill two NOC positions is underway

Two new positions in the Network Operations Center (NOC) have been posted and the search to fill the positions is underway.   The new positions represent iCIT’s success in moving forward on two key strategic initiatives – iDM and Server Virtualization – and will allow us to be prepared to take them to the next level.  

Identity Management Engineer.  This new position will focus on integrating our campus identity management system with UW System’s HRS project, integrating electronic workflow into existing processes and providing automated provisioning processes to users. These activities will forward iCIT’s strategic vision of enabling self-help and automated delivery of services to end users. The growing importance and increased demands of the initiative requires full-time effort.  Nick Ciesinski has done an outstanding job performing this role on an interim basis in addition to his many other duties and his oversight is appreciated.  

Virtualization / Storage / Platform Engineer.  This new position will focus on managing the tremendous growth in storage and virtualized server infrastructure as iCIT expands use of these technologies, and will help manage the large numbers of servers currently supported by existing system administrators. This position will further the strategic goal of virtualizing infrastructure when possible, with resulting cost and energy savings for the institution. Virtualization and storage infrastructure have been admirably managed by Joe Uselding and Chris O’Connor in addition to their many other duties, and their dedication is appreciated.  This new position will allow us to continue to grow without overburdening staff.

If you have questions or would like more information on these positions, contact Tom Jordan, NOC manager, or Elena Pokot, CIO.

Web Team positions posted

Two positions in the Web Team have been posted and the search to fill the positions is underway.   The first is an existing position of Web Infrastructure Technologist.  This position has been further defined since it was previously posted in June.   The second, NEW position is for a Business/Systems Analyst to help meet a growing campus communication program.

Web Infrastructure Technologist.  The primary focus of this position will be the implementation and administration of the Ingeniux Content Management System, which is replacing Collage CMS.  Fully implementing the new system and migrating the tens of thousands of Web pages from Collage to Ingeniux will be a multiyear effort for the Web Team.   This position also will be responsible for administration of many of the other Web technologies, environments, and services managed by the Web Group.

Business/Systems Analyst.  This NEW position has been created at the Chancellor’s request and will be responsible for leading a project to improve the electronic bulletin board and broadcast communications services available to campus.  The primary focus of the project is improvement of campus online newsletters (i.e., Whitewater This Week), and to find a solution for handling various types of electronic mass communication for campus.  The responsibilities of this position include completion of a thorough analysis of the business needs, identification of an appropriate technology solution, and assistance with the implementation and rollout of the solution.

Thank you to the Web Team for their hard work and dedication while these positions are being filled.  If you have questions or would like more information on these positions, contact Barry Henrichs, Web Team Coordinator, or Elena Pokot, CIO.

Barry Henrichs Joins Web Team as Coordinator

Barry Henrichs, Systems Development Specialist, has joined the Web Services group in the role of Web Team Coordinator.  In this role, Barry will be responsible for guiding operational and project work of the Web team and will participate in the iCIT management team on behalf of this group. Mary Jo deMeza, Director, Computing Environment Group, remains personnel supervisor for the group.  

Barry first joined iCIT in 2004, and at that time was responsible for Web application development.  More recently, he has been working with Elena Pokot, CIO, and the iCIT management team on a variety of special technology projects and campus initiatives.  His knowledge of campus, background in Web technologies and experience running projects will allow him to provide support to the resource demands for iCIT Web Services.

The iCIT Web Services group is involved with managing, maintaining and supporting Web publishing on campus.  The team offers specialized services including Web design, consultation, CMS support and implementation, Web statistics, and search support such as SEO training and consulting.

The recruiting search to fill two Web Services positions is underway.  More information will be published on these positions as details are available.

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