Uptimes Spotlight – Jessica Eddy

2011-10-31 12 28 35

Jessica Eddy
(262) 472-5954


What do you do – explain how you fit into ICIT

  • I have been working in the IT industry for around 15 years. I have always enjoyed working with computers even when I was young. It used to drive my parents crazy when I would change settings and take apart our computer at home. I have mostly worked in the technical support and system administration field throughout my career.  My most recent job was as a System Administrator for a small software company that develops paging software for Cisco VoIP phones in Madison, WI. There, I had the opportunity to work with lots of Cisco VoIP products, Google Apps, Webex, VMWare and various other software applications that the developers would use for testing.  As a System Administrator, I had to have a lot of knowledge of the various software products. As the new Technology Training and Advancement Advocate for the ICIT department, I am excited to teach users the ins and outs of the many different software applications available to them on campus.

Something people don’t know about you

  • Back in my younger crazy days, right out of high school, I used to drive a Kawasaki Ninja motorcycle.



What was your first job?

  • When I was old enough to get my workers permit, my first job was cleaning dog kennels at a local animal shelter I used to volunteer at.

What’s your favorite piece of technology?

  • Probably my iPhone. I use it for everything – contacts, email, web, GPS, photos, etc. My entire life is on that thing. If I lost it I don’t even think I would remember my home phone number.

Tell me something interesting about yourself.

  • My favorite holiday is Halloween. I love trying to figure out what costume theme my daughter and I will have each year.  My favorite was the year I dressed her up as a lobster and I dressed up as a chef.  To top it off we went to Red Lobster for lunch. Best Halloween ever!



Do you have a special talent?

  • My friends tell me it is karaoke.  🙂

What is your guilty pleasure?

  • I love songs from Disney movies.


 Favorite TV Show?

  • Castle, Bones

Music genre?

  • Pretty much everything

What is your theme song?

Favorite vacation?

  • St. Lucia – warm white sandy beaches, the sound of the ocean, and a blended drink in hand.

Favorite food?

  • Anything Italian

Least favorite food?

  • Anything healthy – mostly vegetables

One place you must visit at least once?




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