Uptimes Spotlight – Justin Wilson

JW1Justin Wilson
(262) 472-5794


Q: What do you do – explain how you fit into ICIT

A: I am the A/V Technician-I work alongside Peter maintaining, installing and troubleshooting most of the A/V equipment around campus.  I’m learning more and more each day!

Q: Something people don’t know about you

A: A few people I work with know this but not all. I am a Commercial Pilot, licensed by the FAA to fly for compensation, anyone need to fly somewhere?!?!?!


Q: Favorite hobby?

A: Building things…things out of wood, things out of metal, ya know, things!


Q: What was your first job?

A: Wal-Mart…I was hired as a cashier, worked in receiving and Lawn and Garden and finally, after three years of employment, got promoted to cart pusher.

Q: What’s your favorite piece of technology?

A: My new 39” LED TV from wOOt.com as a Christmas present to myself, I know it’s not huge but after watching a 20” Sanyo for ten years it’s definitely an upgrade.

Q: Tell me something interesting about yourself.

A: Outside of UWW I am also a paid on call Firefighter/EMT for the Wales-Genesee Fire Department.  The picture is of me coming down after ventilating the roof of a house fire in Waukesha.


Q: What are you passionate about?

A: I’m very passionate about flying.  Keeping the shiny side up is my top priority.

Q: Do you have a special talent?

A: My father has passed on his knowledge of fixing things to me.  Be it a car, motorcycle or a washing machine, give me a screwdriver and a big hammer and I’ll either fix it or really break it.

Q: What is your guilty pleasure?

A: Listening to my ex-wife Carrie Underwood’s CD’s.

Q: Favorite TV Show?

A: Lately it has been ‘Dangerous Flights’ on the Smithsonian Channel.

Q: Music genre?

A: I always love rock music spanning from the 70’s to today, although recently my tastes have gone to the Country side of the spectrum.

Q: Do you have a famous look-a-like?

A: I’ve been told I look like Doug Savant from ‘Desperate Housewives’.

Q: What is your theme song?

A: Cowboy Casanova-Carrie Underwood

Q: Favorite vacation?

A: My favorite vacation ever was the camping trip my girlfriend Melissa and I went on last Memorial Day weekend.  The campground was on an island on the Turtle-Flambeau Flowage near Mercer, WI.  The only access was by boat.  The first night the weather was gorgeous until after dinner when the rain moved in, the next day fog and rain.  Everything was soaked, we couldn’t get the fire going and the wind was howling.  We were miserable but that was the most memorable camping trip ever!

Q: Favorite food?

A: Anything dealing with a grill is my favorite food.

Q: Least favorite food?

A: Anything with Avocados, Guacamole looks and smells delicious but I just can’t do it.

Q: Biggest fear?

A: Heights, I can fly an airplane at 25,000 feet but I get nervous looking down a building at 50 feet.

Q: One place you must visit at least once?

A: I HAVE to see Australia, it’s time to go to the Southern Hemisphere.


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