Uptimes Spotlight – Rochelle Day

RD profileRochelle Day
(262) 472-5954


Q:  What do you do / how do you fit into ICIT?

A:   I’m the Technology Training Coordinator on campus. My position description includes teaching Faculty and Staff how to use the software we have on campus.

Q:   What is something people don’t know about you?

A:    Claustrophobic! I HATE elevators!! (But purposely use it every day to try and condition myself against the fear!)

250px-Claustrophobia               1280px-Tower_of_Terror_CU

Q: What’s your favorite piece of technology?

A:    That’s a hard one… cellphone comes to mind – got my first “flip-phone” in 1994! But I’d have to say my Kindle tablet – I love reading books!

Q:   Tell me something interesting about yourself?

A:   Politics! I love the political arena, from working on campaigns (I’m a political consultant) to watching senate/congressional hearings on C-SPAN. I also admire the work & inspiration of Thomas Jefferson.

 TJQ:   Do you have a favorite hobby?

A:   Scuba Diver (Open-water) & hope to get my Advanced Open-water certification next year.

scuba rain

scuba 1


Q:   If you could live for only one more week, what would you do?

A:   Other than spend the most time I could with my family, it would probably want to dive exotic places in Australia and Indonesia – the undersea life there is amazing!

 Fam 2

 Q:   What are you passionate about?

A:   Husband, my two Kids, a perfectly cooked lobster, scuba diving with 50ft visibility, fine restaurants, new technology, and a challenging project that keeps my interest.

 Fam 1Q:   Do you have a special talent?

A:   I’m rated as an ENFP on the Myers/Briggs scale… and I’m off the charts in the “Intuitive” portion. I solve problems by leaping between different ideas and possibilities, and trust my impressions more than my actual experiences.

Q:   What is your guilty pleasure?

A:   Steamy hot romance novels! Yes, I’ve read the Fifty Shades of Grey trilogy!


Q:   Any random fact you’d like to share?

A:   My favorite move is the Wizard of Oz (1939 version).

Q:   What was your first job?

A:   Working the night shift at an all-night gas station. Here I pumped gas, changed tires, and did minor auto repairs.

Q:   What is your favorite TV Show?

A:   Loved the Spartacus series on Starz; however, currently it’s Newsroom and Game of Thrones on HBO.


Q:   Favorite Music and or Genre?

A:   Everything… from ICP to Zydeco to Andrea Bocelli- favorite right now is Kid Rock & Luke Bryan

Q:   If you had a theme song what would it be?

A:   My Theme Song: Black Eyed Peas – Let’s Get it Started

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