Uptimes Spotlight – Stacy Scholtka

photoStacy Scholtka
(262) 472-5014


Q:  What do you do / how do you fit into ICIT?

A:  I am a project manager. My goal is to help with project delivery and removing roadblocks as we work to deliver value to the organization.

Q:   Do you have a favorite hobby?

A:   Camping and hiking. I love the night time campfire conversations and waking up to experience the quiet coolness of the morning with a good cup of tea. We recently upgraded from tents to a T@b trailer which is super fun.

tab trailer

Q:   What is your favorite piece of technology?

A:   My alarm clock…..without it, I might still be sleeping!

Q:   If you could live for only one more week, what would you do?

A:   Spend time with my two awesome daughters who get more and more amazing every day.

family photocurling photo








Q:   What are you passionate about?

A:   Music education in the public schools. Music works with both sides of the brain, so exposing kids to music education early will help them expand their thinking abilities even if they never go into music as adults. I have been active on the board of our school district’s music parents association for a number of years to help promote this locally.

Here is a clip from our all district orchestra festival last spring. My daughter is playing with the group.

Q:   Share a memory you will never forget?

A:    My daughters orchestra performed a musical piece composed by Christopher Tin. The orchestra rented the original score from Mr. Tin, which still had his original notes jotted on it. During their performance, Mr. Tin called in and listened to the performance and rehearsal. The choir had a challenge as their parts were to be performed in many different languages, none of which were English. After the performance the score was returned to Mr. Tin.

Q:   Share something interesting about yourself.

A:   My partner Ray and I love to brew beer and make wine. Each year at the end of October, we have a grape stomp and wine bottling at our house. This years is on the 26th, anyone who is interested is invited. This year, we have concord grape and strawberry to bottle.

Q:   Do you have a famous Look-a-Like?

A:    I must since a lot of people say they recognize me even though I never met them before. Either that or I have a terrible memory for people I meet.

Q:   What is your favorite TV Show?

A:   Anything with Gordon Ramsey. Hells Kitchen, Master Chef, etc.

Ramsay photo
Q:   Favorite Music and or Genre?

A:    I love almost anything that comes from string quartets and chamber music. Christopher Tin’s Calling All Dawns is one of my favorite albums as a classical crossover, but I also go from Me First and the Gimme Gimmes to listening to the teenage girl songs on the radio and everywhere in between.

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