University of Wisconsin-Whitewater

Tag back to school

College Myths

Myth #1- Random roommates will result in disaster It may be scary to go totally random in your roommate selection and put all your faith into the university to find someone for you to live with 24/7 for months. But… Continue Reading →

Making the Most of the Last of Summer

I’m not quite sure how it happened, but here we are: There’s just 4 short weeks of summer left. While these last 28 days may not seem like much time, there’s a couple actions you can take to making the… Continue Reading →

The Dilemma of the Overstocked T-Shirts

With another new semester upon us, we once again return back to campus stocked with school supplies, clothes, food (because my mom’s still not convinced I can cook for myself…not that I’m complaining about the free food!), and…an endless supply… Continue Reading →

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