University of Wisconsin-Whitewater

Category UC General Info

Waiting In Line For The New iPhone

It’s certainly no secret that I’m a fan of Apple products. The MacBook Pro sitting on my desk at home, the iPad Pro that I’m typing this on, the iPhone that’s always within an arm’s reach, and the Apple Watch… Continue Reading →

How To Minimize Door Dings

Very few things are more irritating than a fresh door ding on your car when you get back from work, class or your friend’s place. These dents can happen just about anywhere on your vehicle and the vast majority of… Continue Reading →

Soaking Up Summerfest

Looking for something fun to do this summer? If you have never been to Summerfest this should be the summer you start! Plus, the UC will have tickets at Summer on the Mall on June 22 so mark your calendars!… Continue Reading →

James R. Connor

Dr. James R. Connor was one of the most influential figures on our campus during his years of being the University’s Chancellor. Prior to coming to Whitewater, he served in the United States Army (1946-1947 and 1951-1953), earned his M.S. and… Continue Reading →

Blazin’ Summer Cookouts

It’s that time again! Bonfires, cookouts and cool evenings followed by late nights! Here are some of my favorite summer cookouts: For those of you living on campus this summer, take advantage of the grills located throughout campus. If you’re… Continue Reading →

6 Best Road Trip Games

It doesn’t matter whether you’re going to Florida, New Orleans, or Las Vegas. Long, boring car rides get the best of us. One of the fastest ways to make the time pass is to keep your mind active. 1) For starters,… Continue Reading →

What is there to do in Whitewater over the summer?

You decided to spend your precious summer months here in Whitewater rather than your hometown… now what? Instead of spending countless hours watching episodes of Netflix and scrolling through your Facebook timeline, here are a few things that can keep… Continue Reading →

Wisconsin Vs. California

Wisconsin Vs California When people move from where it is warm to where it is cold, people often ask “Bro, why did you come here? It’s so nice where you’re from. It sucks here!” Not going to lie, when I… Continue Reading →

Thoughts of a Graduating Senior…

At about this time every year, I start to reflect on the school year that has just flown by. This year, the reflection is filled with excitement, nervousness and emotions.  I will share with you some of the thoughts going… Continue Reading →

Foolproof Guide To Surviving a Crazy Week

Finals week is upon us (which means summer is right around the corner!) and most of us would probably lose our heads if they weren’t attached. To make life a little easier, I’ve devised a foolproof guide to surviving a… Continue Reading →

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