University of Wisconsin-Whitewater

Author Reece Block

To Every First-Year Student

Sticky post

To every first-year student, Whether you are a freshman, transfer student or just simply seeking further education, college is a huge life adjustment. As a freshman, you have to leave home for the very first time. At first it’s everything… Continue Reading →

Tips for your Finals

Getting anxious about finals next week? These tips will help get you through, and will hopefully relieve some stress! 1. Start now. DO NOT WAIT. Procrastination is the worst idea. 2. Make a schedule. If you’re one of those people… Continue Reading →

Farewell UC Student Workers

We asked all departing UC student workers to answer a couple questions about their time here in the UC. Check out their answers below! What will you miss most about the UC? “The thing I will miss most about the UC is… Continue Reading →

Making Healthy College Foods

The freshman fifteen is a definite thing. You can pay for the gym membership, count your calories, etc. but the freshman fifteen still happens. It’s inevitable. As a sophomore at the university, gaining those fifteen pounds was like welcoming an… Continue Reading →

Where Should I Sit in Class?!

You walk into your first class and panic. If you sit in front, the professor might call on you, but if you are all the way in back you can’t see the notes. Where do you sit? The middle? The front? Well,… Continue Reading →

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