Kylie Lang

What comes to mind when you think of your favorite characters in TV shows? If you are a TV show fanatic like myself, you have a short list of your favorite characters that add meaning when binging shows over and over again. My list comes straight from my constant TV obsessions: Stranger Things, The Office and everything in between. The best characters have that bubbly, loving personality mixed with a bit of selflessness. These beloved favorite characters have a lot of admirable characteristics, let’s dive in!

1. Jim Hopper 

Jim Hopper from Stranger Things has a lot of characteristics that many people look for. His passion for becoming a father for Eleven and putting many others before himself shows the true dependency of his character throughout the series. He grew into his character which I believe makes him such a lovable character.

2. Meredith Grey

Meredith Grey, the main protagonist of Grey’s Anatomy, starts the series with her witty surgery abilities. We learn more about her many complicated relationships during the continuing show, along with her ability to care for friends and strive through her troubled relationship with her mother. 

3. Joey Tribbiani 

The “How You Doin” Joey Tribbiani is one of the best characters in the show Friends. Joey’s humor and hilarious comebacks make him such a lovable character to be portrayed on screen. He ties perfectly to the group and makes watching the show a perfect blend of jokes and friendship.

4. Lorelai Gilmore

The cunning and loving Lorelai Gilmore touches a soft spot in all of our hearts as her complicated relationships take a big leap in her character. Lorelai’s love and passion for her daughter Rory makes us root for her and her dream to own her own inn in the future. Her complicated relationship with her family makes her a character that most of us can relate to in any way, shape, or form. She is hilarious and makes us all laugh with her snide remarks about some random band or book.

5. Michael Scott

Last but not least, the hilarious Michael Scott from The Office leaves us in never ending laughter. His ability to turn a show about a boring office into something that makes you glued to your seat in never-ending laughter is impressive. Whether it is his nonchalant way of running an office, or never seeming to get enough done with Dwight always around, The Office is full of opportunities for a good laugh. His random hate for Toby in the show continues to make us laugh as he is always pinning for his downfall as well.