Madrid is a historic city with a vast amount of historic landmarks to consider visiting when in the city. Here I will highlight just a few for your consideration.
First up is the Royal Palace in Madrid. Believe it or not, the royal family actually does not live in the Royal Palace, instead preferring a more modest homestead on the outskirts of the city (Modest being a relative term). The royal palace is now reserved for public visitation, which costs thirteen euros to enter. It is filled with incredible world class artwork. Do consider stopping by!

If the selection of art within the palace isn’t enough to satisfy you, look no further than the Museo Nacional de Prado. Filled with world class artwork second only to the Louvre, you will find varying collections to appease even the most casual museum-goer. One of their summer exhibitions focuses on artists depictions of love affairs between mythical beings.

Besides royal palaces and national museums, Madrid also boasts a wealth of noteworthy architecture. One such example is the Plaza de Cibeles. This location actually ties into the time of Madrid’s occupation by the Romans, as there is a fountain depicting Cibele, the mother of the gods and Roman goddess of fertility. Beyond this historical tie, the architecture in the area is absolutely breathtaking! Perfect for an afternoon of relaxation.
Last but certainly not least is the Plaza Mayor de Madrid. One of the premiere destinations for anyone looking to get a look at the Madrileño lifestyle, pre-COVID the Plaza Mayor would be bustling with people going to meetings, shopping, or buying food at one of various artisan food-stands. It is an absolute must visit for anyone looking to integrate with local life. See a picture below during prime hours.

Mythological Passions Tiziano, VERONESE, allori, RUBENS, Ribera, poussin, Van DYCK, VELÁZQUEZ. (n.d.). Retrieved April 05, 2021, from THE 10 best sights & historical landmarks in Madrid. (2021). Retrieved April 05, 2021, from Plaza mayor. (n.d.). Retrieved April 05, 2021, from