Neutral Milk Hotel

April 29, 2022 | 1 Comment

Hello wonderful people of the internet, today Im talking about, you guessed it, The Beatles. Neutral milk hotel s an indie rock band that formed in 1989, by musician Jeff Mangum. Neutral Milk was active from 1989-1998 during that time they would release two studio albums. Their first album “On Avery Island” was released in […]

Sorry, no musical highlight today, this is a Mayhem post Today is my favorite day of the year, its Earth Day! Today we recognize the planet we call home and appreciate all the things it provides for us. I love that our planet gets a day of highlight but a side of me doesn’t like […]

Today is a good day, I get too high light someone who I think is one of the most talented individuals on Earth, and that person is Bo Burnham. Burnham’s career started in 2006 on the social media platform youtube. His videos consisted of him singing funny songs about a variety of topics. For example […]

Jimi Hendrix

April 8, 2022 | 1 Comment

When it comes to discussing people that are the greatest, there is usually a debate that follows a statement like this. Sports and bands are a prime examples, but when it comes to the question of who the greatest guitarist of all time is, it seems that most people share a common answer. Cue awesome […]

April 1, 2022 | 2 Comments

Instead of going back in time to inform you about a once great band or musician were going to change it up and talk about one of my favorite current bands, Mt. joy. Mt. joy is a indie folk rock band that started in LA but the band is tied to its Philly roots. Members […]