With the weather finally starting to cool down and it’s finally feeling like fall, that means wanting a new wardrobe. I love getting new sweaters, flannels, and jackets, but I can’t drop $300 to buy every cute fall item I want. Winter is also coming soon, sadly, and I can’t keep dropping hundreds of dollars for each new season. Luckily, I have found new ways to get cute clothes at a cute cost.
Hand-me-downs- The phrase hand-me-downs is not a very attractive word. When I think of this, it brings me back to middle school when I would take my sister’s clothes that don’t fit her anymore or she just doesn’t want. However, when you’re older, hand me downs can be nice. When my sister and I were both in high school, she would constantly get new clothing, which meant she got rid of stuff she didn’t want. I would always get first picks, and I would always find shirts, jeans, jackets, etc. that I loved. I even still have some of those items to this day! Hand-me-downs may not be the best way to get new clothes, but if you’re on a budget, it works,
Clothing Exchange- Another easy way to get new clothing items is by doing a clothing exchange with friends! I have done this actually a few times and gotten some nice items out of it. Everyone that wants to participate brings 10-15 items of clothing that they are willing to get rid of and you start exchanging with each other. Everyone shows what they brought and you start trading. If I want someone’s floral dress and they want my denim jacket, we exchange and both have a new item. It’s a great way to get new clothing while getting rid of items you don’t want.
Platos Closet- This store is a great way to get new items while cleaning out your closet, and you can make money at the same time! Here, you can take in your clothing you don’t want, and they will go through to see if they can put it in the store to sell. If they like anything you have, you get cash for it! Not only are you making money, but now you can shop the store! Since everything is second-handed, the prices are very reasonable and affordable. I have sold many items there and even found tons of cute steals for my own closet.