I am sound like a mom in this post, but seriously, bring snacks with you for anything and everything you do. You would be lying to yourself if that hasn’t been at least a handful of times that your mom told you to bring a snack, but you didn’t, and then you were starving. You asked if you could go buy a snack somewhere and what did she say? “No, I told you to bring a snack and you chose not to.” You may be 20+ years old, but I think it’s time to learn that bringing snacks is one of the best things you could do.

My friends know me as the “snack and water lady”. No matter where I go with them, snacks and my water bottle are both always present. If it’s going to their house for a movie, I’ll have 3/4 snack options and water. If it’s going shopping for the day, I got snacks and my water. If it’s literally just hanging out, I’ve got snacks and my water.
Why do I always bring these 2 things? One is because I KNOW I will get hungry at some point during these activities. It’s easier and cheaper to have your own stuff than to ask or need to go buy something. Don’t get me wrong, I definitely by snacks when I’m out, but I try my best not to. I try to always have a Cliff Bar in my purse too for when I’m really hungry.
Another place for having snacks is when I go to class. I basically need to pack a mini lunch everytime I have class. I have some healthy chips (SkinnyPop or Popcorners), fruit, veggies, cheese, and maybe even a sandwich. As you can probably tell, I like healthy snacks too. A girl once asked me in class if I was a vegetarian because all she ever saw me eat was carrots and apples. I am DEFINITELY not vegetarian in case you’re wondering. I love brats and burgers WAY too much!