Welcome to my first blog post! I’m happy you have come to join me and learn more about shopping on a budget and how to save money!
I’m not your typical college student that doesn’t care about how much things cost because I’m using my parents’ money or thinks money grows on trees. I learned at a very young age about shopping the ads, being okay with not have high-end​ name brands, and saving. It’s not that my family was full of cheapskates, but they wanted to live a comfortable life with having money to spare.
I was never the kid that needed the high end, name brand shoes, jeans jackets, etc. In my mind, I thought “If I can get a comfy pair of tennis shoes that I like for $50, why spend $150 on a name brand pair?” If I did that, I could spend the other $100 on other items.
I want to help people that will be attending college soon, are in college now, or recently graduated from college. It’s hard to budget everything you do when your friends and family don’t. I wanted to be able to do everything my friends wanted to do, but it meant I need to budget other things.
I would shop the ads at the grocery store and made sure I only bought what I needed. I learned not to go to the store with an empty stomach, as I would tend to buy more. I learned to love Marshalls and TJ Maxxs because they have name brand clothing, but at a discount.
I have learned simple things that can save you $10, $20, $30, even $50+ a month! People think budgeting and saving is hard and even a waste of time, but if you take the time and are serious about it, it is not that hard.