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Just another few Fortnite wins, this time we got 3 in a row in squads. Mango’s been a great addition to the team, and it’s nice not only duoing with Sprinkle! Feel free to hit me up at Rzaney if you guys want to play some time!

Remember to like, favorite and subscribe, and also follow my Twitch if I ever feel like streaming again!

Every gamer knows the feeling you get when a bit of nostalgia pulls at your heartstrings. Whether it’s replaying classic titles like Super Mario Brothers 2, or just revisiting one of your favorite childhood games, the kind you used to hop onto right as you got home from school or finished with your chores/homework. They might even be some casual game you played with friends for a little bit when it was released, often going to each others houses and hooking up some LAN cords to play together.

For this week, me and my friends decided to set up our own Minecraft server. I told myself I’d focus more on the creative aspects of Minecraft if I ever played again since all the previous times I’ve played with others, we’ve played the game out as much as possible, even trying to casually speedrun to the ender dragon in a larger group. So after a 2 year hiatus, here I am again, playing Minecraft with a focus on catharsis and relaxation. Instead of having a longer post detailing what we did, I’m just going to edit a spectator video later and add some pictures now for this post so you guys can see a water house I made for yourselves. Cheers!

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