
06 May

Nonprofit Workforce in the US: Just the Facts

Sometimes we hear that people are surprised to learn that nonprofits employ people, or that one can earn a living wage at a nonprofit organization. According to new data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), in 2022, about 6.5% of all employed people in the US worked for a nonprofit organization. The proportion in […]

21 Apr

Remote Volunteer Opportunity: Library of Congress By the People Campaigns

One aspect that is important for both professional historians and public understandings of American history – and how we understand who we are as a people – is the ability for the public to access the documents that are housed in the Library of Congress. The Library of Congress has digital collections of American History; […]

22 Mar

Navis, Lewis present at UW-W Undergraduate Research Day

One of the enduring critical issues of societies across time is how to care for those in need. Who is responsible for providing care? Who is responsible for funding it? We know that charitable giving isn’t evenly spread across the nonprofit sector. What can published accounts tell us about what Americans consider less worthy of […]

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