Tag Archives: money

Maker Monday – Piggy banks and Money Management

Andersen Library welcomes financial specialist to educate students on money management on Monday, October 20. Denise Kaminski, of UW Credit Union, is slated to present 3:30 – 4:00 pm.  Crafting event to follow. Kaminski aims to educate UW-Whitewater students regarding … Continue reading

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Money Mondays: Wrap Up

This semester we have covered a wide variety of personal finance topics, from student loans to credit cards to retirement. These topics can be overwhelming, but hopefully you feel a little more confident in your ability to manage your finances … Continue reading

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Money Mondays: Retirement

Though it seems like it’s a long way off, retirement is something you have to start saving for early in life. Think back to when we discussed compound interest a few weeks ago. The benefits of compound interest are particularly … Continue reading

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Money Mondays: Understanding Your Paycheck

For some of you, starting a full-time job may be just around the corner. The prospect of a salary is likely very exciting, but there are some things you should understand about your paycheck. A few weeks ago we discussed … Continue reading

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Money Mondays: Insurance

Last week we talked about net worth, which involves comparing what you own (your assets) to what you owe (your liabilities). Some of the assets taken into consideration include high-value items like a house or car. Should something happen to … Continue reading

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Money Mondays: Net Worth

This semester we have talked about both assets (like investments) and liabilities (like loans). These play a major role in determining your net worth. Net worth is a way of stating how much wealth you have, and it does so … Continue reading

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Money Mondays: Investments

We’ve spent a lot of time this semester talking about expenses you’re likely to incur over the course of your life. There are also ways you can make money, in addition to earning a salary. Through investment vehicles (things you … Continue reading

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Money Mondays: Credit Cards & Credit Scores

If the past few Money Mondays posts have taught you anything, it should be that life presents us with a number of fairly necessary expenses. Many individuals utilize a credit card to cover some of their expenses. Credit cards are … Continue reading

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Money Mondays: Mortgages

The past few weeks we have focused on loans that you will likely have to think about in the very near future. Perhaps a little farther off is another loan: a mortgage. At some point in your life, you’ll probably … Continue reading

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Money Mondays: Vehicle Loans

Even if you don’t have student loans, which we discussed last week, you will probably have other kinds of loans at some point in your life. One example is a vehicle loan. Unless you plan to live in a place … Continue reading

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