Tag Archives: articles

States ranked for personality traits

I read something recently that claimed North Dakota was ranked first among the 50 states for having the most agreeable people. Huh. I decided this was research I had to find, since I was curious about how Wisconsin fared. You … Continue reading

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Mar. 25 Commemorates End of Transatlantic Slave Trade

In December 2007, the United Nations General Assembly designated March 25th as an annual International Day for the Commemoration of the Two-Hundredth Anniversary of the Abolition of the Transatlantic Slave Trade. You can research this topic at your University’s Library. … Continue reading

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Milky Way lecture 3/20

Next in the UWW Observatory Lecture Series is “Mapping the Milky Way” by UWW Physics Professor Robert Benjamin at 8 p.m. on Fri., March 20, in Upham Hall 141, followed by (weather permitting) a public viewing session at the Whitewater … Continue reading

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Doing business in India

Swethaa Ballakrishnen, a research fellow at the Harvard Law School and an expert on international law, will speak on opportunities and pitfalls of doing business in India on Thursday, March 5th, at noon in the University Center, room 69. If … Continue reading

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Bird migration & climate change

Every spring I love hearing the birds after the long cold winter, but there may be changes coming in the songs I hear. My iGoogle widgets sent me to a ScienceDaily article “Birds’ movements reveal climate change in action.” Data … Continue reading

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100 years of the NAACP

The NAACP (National Association for the Advancement of Colored People) was organized in February 1909. That’s right–this year we can look back on 100 years of hard work by this organization. If you’d like to learn more, your University’s Library can help. … Continue reading

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Women in Islam & Jihad 12/11 5pm

On Thurs., Dec. 11, at 5pm the Muslim Student Association is sponsoring a lecture on Women in Islam and Jihad (location: Winther Hall 1001). “Learn about women in Islam and jihad from Janan Najeeb, director of the Milwaukee Muslim Women’s … Continue reading

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3rd Annual World AIDS Day meeting 12/3

The 3rd Annual Black Student Union World AIDS Meeting will take place on Tues., Dec. 2nd, from 5:15-6:15 p.m. in Upham Hall room 145. The event will take a look at the AIDS crisis around the world. The Rev. Adrian … Continue reading

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Terrorism research

As you know, terrorism was in the news over Thanksgiving. It took place in India, which has experienced major terrorist attacks before (see “Safety and Security” on the State Dept.’s web page of country-specific information for India). The University Library … Continue reading

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Native Heritage Month: lecture on 11/18

Chip Beal will give a lecture “A Native Perspective: Walking In Two Worlds” on Tues., Nov. 18, at 4:15 p.m. in Upham 140. Beal is UW- Superior’s Multicultural Affairs Coordinator and a member of the Choctaw Nation of Oklahoma. This … Continue reading

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