Tag Archives: articles


Today is the anniversary of the 1948 assassination of Mohandas Gandhi, political and spiritual leader of the Indian movement for independence from British rule. He’s famous, of course, for nonviolent activism, passive resistance, and civil disobedience. You can read more … Continue reading

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Lecture series: Brazil, Russia, India, China

The Spring 2012 Fairhaven Lecture Series has the theme “B.R.I.C. (Brazil, Russia, India, China)” and will help you learn about these emerging economies and how they are affecting world power relations. All lectures in this series are free, open to … Continue reading

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WilsonWeb article databases move to EBSCO

The WilsonWeb article databases are moving to EBSCOhost by the end of January. In fact, they are all there already, except for the biography database Biography Reference Bank Select: Applied Science & Technology Full Text Biological & Agricultural Index Plus … Continue reading

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Grand Canyon

On January 11, 1908, President Theodore Roosevelt made more then 800,000 acres of the the Grand Canyon area a national monument. The History Channel quotes him, “Let this great wonder of nature remain as it now is,” he declared. “You … Continue reading

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Friday fun: Cats

A co-worker passed along a couple of cute cat stories. One is about a cat in the Milwaukee area with 26 toes (that’s 2 extra per paw!) that’s helping raise money for a new facility ($26 dollars at a time), … Continue reading

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International Year of Forests (2011)

2011 is the International Year of Forests, designated by the United Nations to draw attention to sustainable forest management and the relationship between people and forests (they aren’t just habitats for flora and fauna, although that’s critical too, but they … Continue reading

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70th anniversary of “a date which will live in infamy”

December 7 is “a date which will live in infamy.” Do you recognize this quote? 70 years ago President Franklin D. Roosevelt said that about the day of Japan’s bombing of the U.S. Naval Base at Pearl Harbor in his … Continue reading

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Celebrate faculty & staff scholarship and creative achievements

The 24th annual exhibition of scholarly & creative works by UWW faculty & staff will celebrate accomplishments of the past year across a range of disciplines. A sampling of the articles, artwork, books, dance and conference presentations produced by 67 … Continue reading

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H2Ownership talk Mon Oct 3

“H2Ownership: A fresh approach to unlocking the three paradoxes of water” will be the first lecture of this fall’s Contemporary Issues Lecture Series. Hear James Workman on Monday, October 3rd, at 7 p.m. in the Young Auditorium. Mr. Workman is … Continue reading

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Looking for “The Egg and the Sperm” article?

Are you struggling to find an article by Emily Martin called “The Egg and the Sperm: How Science has Constructed a Romance Based on Stereotypical Male-Female Roles?” It’s in Signs (vol. 16: no. 3, 1991). You’re not alone! Several students … Continue reading

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